South Korea

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International B2B (Business to Business) Marketing (Coursera)

This course offers a unique perspective into the differentiating aspects of business to business (B2B) marketing that can be contrasted to traditional business to consumer (B2C) marketing that is the subject of most other marketing curricula. Moreover, as one of the courses in the Specialization: International Marketing & Cross [...]

International Marketing Entry and Execution (Coursera)

This will be part 2 of a two-series foundation courses for the Specialization: International Marketing & Cross Industry Growth. This course will dive in more deeply into consumer science investigation, B2C marketing, International Marketing Entry, Targeting, Positioning, International Product, International Promotion, International Place and International Price. The last set [...]

Intro to International Marketing (Coursera)

This course brings together two key subjects, International Marketing and Cross Industry Innovation. It will provide the basic foundations of international marketing and then explain how companies can grow by going abroad or sourcing ideas/expanding into other countries or industries. This is summarized as CCCI: Cross-Country and Cross-Industry Innovation, [...]

MRI Fundamentals (Coursera)

Welcome! In this course learners will develop expertise in basic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) physics and principles and gain knowledge of many different data acquisition strategies in MRI. In particular, learners will get to know what is magnetic resonance phenomenon, how magnetic resonance signals are generated, how an image [...]

Supply Chain Management: A Learning Perspective (Coursera)

As a human being, we all consume products and/or services all the time. This morning you got up and ate your breakfast, e.g., eggs, milk, bread, fresh fruits, and the like. After the breakfast, you drove your car to work or school. At your office, you used your computer, [...]

The Korean Alphabet: An Introduction to Hangeul (Coursera)

This course introduces Korean characters,'Hangeul', and provides high-level knowledge related to Hangeul. In this course, the background of 'Hangul' is created, who made the Hangeul, and according to what principle it is systematically explained. It also introduces anecdotes related to Korean tourist destinations related to Hangeul and teaches how [...]

Mindfulness_An Approach to Stress Reduction (Coursera)

An essential guide to cultivating a healthy mindset and a stress-free lifestyle through practicing the art of mindfulness meditation—a discipline that ultimately leads to a profound understanding ourselves and our surroundings. Mindfulness is a simple, yet effective practice achievable by all people of all ages. It alleviates stress and [...]

Recommender Systems (Coursera)

In this course you will: a) understand the basic concept of recommender systems; b) understand the Collaborative Filtering; c) understand the Recommender System with Deep Learning; d) understand the Further Issues of Recommender Systems. Please make sure that you’re comfortable programming in Python and have a basic knowledge of [...]

Programming Languages Ⅱ (Coursera)

The goal of this course is to help students: learn new languages quickly; evaluate various languages and pick the most suitable one for a given task; know when and how to design a little language, and understand the effects of languages on thought and communication.

Marketing Internacional en Asia (Coursera)

Este curso ha sido desarrollado especialmente para gerentes y estudiantes que desean tener éxito como especialistas de marketing en la región asiática. Asia ha experimentado la mayor cantidad de crecimiento en la economía global en los últimos años. Aunque muchas compañías de otras regiones se han beneficiado de entrar [...]