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International B2B (Business to Business) Marketing (Coursera)

This course offers a unique perspective into the differentiating aspects of business to business (B2B) marketing that can be contrasted to traditional business to consumer (B2C) marketing that is the subject of most other marketing curricula. Moreover, as one of the courses in the Specialization: International Marketing & Cross [...]

Marketing Internacional en Asia (Coursera)

Este curso ha sido desarrollado especialmente para gerentes y estudiantes que desean tener éxito como especialistas de marketing en la región asiática. Asia ha experimentado la mayor cantidad de crecimiento en la economía global en los últimos años. Aunque muchas compañías de otras regiones se han beneficiado de entrar [...]

International Business and Culture (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
International Business and Culture (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In this course, learners develop a solid understanding of how national cultures shape international human resource management, international marketing, and international business generally. The course provides an overview of international culture, human resource management (HRM), and marketing. This may seem like a peculiar grouping of topics, but successful international [...]