Food & Nutrition

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Metabolic Makeover (Coursera)

With people around the world obsessing over metabolism and weight loss, there remains great interest in discovering hacks and shortcuts that boost metabolism and accelerate weight loss. Apart from a basic understanding that metabolism translates to expended calories, how much is understood about the complexities of human metabolism? [...]

Science of Fat Metabolism (Coursera)

The term “fat” can be applied to several aspects of health and fitness, from macronutrients in food to tissues in the body, to molecules in the blood. The consumption of fat can be a complex topic due to many different things: fat types, their health effects, the ways fats [...]

Plant-Based Diets (Coursera)

In today's world, there are many eating patterns available to choose from. They can range across a dietary spectrum from a totally carnivorous diet (meat-eating) to an entirely herbivorous diet (plant-eating). Plant-based diets are diets that rely primarily or entirely on plant-based foods. This course has been designed to [...]

Making Sense of Supplements (Coursera)

No matter how hard you try, there is no escaping the endless stream of advertising for all the nutritional supplements out there. From protein and creatine to caffeine and other more-controversial performance aids, there is something tailored to every health, wellness, and fitness goal. This course has been designed [...]

Aligning Diet and Exercise (Coursera)

When considering body composition goals, modifications to both diet and exercise are inevitable. Most often, an individual’s dietary interventions do not align with their exercise regimen, which may diminish the potential for success. This course explores the energy pathways and how macronutrients fuel exercise across intensity and duration, in [...]

Nutrition Hot Topics and Controversies (Coursera)

Within the ever-changing nutrition landscape, it becomes difficult to understand current trending topics. Without a doubt, your friends and neighbors will have questions regarding these nutrition hot topics. Most people want to know what to believe or discard from what they hear, but they often lack the tools or [...]

Understanding Food Labels and Portion Sizes (Coursera)

All of us have struggled to decipher the long list of ingredients and recommendations on our food labels. This course provides a deeper understanding of labeling standards and methods for estimating food portions essential for informed decision-making and healthy eating behaviors. You will learn the foundations of reading food [...]

Breastfeeding and Adequate Substitutes (Coursera)

Ensuring adequate nutrition is essential for infants to reach their full potential, as early-life nutritional imbalances and deficiencies may result in detrimental and often irreversible adverse health consequences. "Breastfeeding and Adequate Substitutes" focuses on the important aspects of human milk composition, human lactation, breastfeeding practices, and the use of [...]

Rebuilding Our Relationship with Food (Coursera)

Have you ever made a conscious effort to change the way you eat (for health or other reasons) and then felt frustrated when your plans were derailed? You’re not alone. The best laid plans are often sabotaged by a food environment that makes it increasingly hard to make healthier [...]

Introduction to Food and Our Environment (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Introduction to Food and Our Environment (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is designed to help learners around the world become more sustainable eaters. Together, we’ll explore key topics, like how food production impacts the environment and why meat production and protein consumption are often at the center of the debate around sustainability. We’ll introduce the pros and cons [...]