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Teacher SEL: Programs, Possibilities, and Contexts (Coursera)

Social and emotional learning, or SEL, student programs have flourished in schools during the last decade. Unfortunately inadequate attention has been paid to teachers’ social and emotional learning. In this course the instructors (Randy Testa and Dan Liston) introduce and examine distinct and established teacher SEL programs, [...]

Mediation and Conflict Resolution (Coursera)

Mediation is a crucial means to reaching peaceful and agreed solutions in today’s world – on an international, political, industrial, peace-keeping or social level. With the course you will be able to choose and lead a mediation process. You will gain a deeper understanding of workplace and international conflict [...]

Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills (Coursera)

Learn how to incorporate resilience interventions into your personal and professional life with Dr. Karen Reivich. In this course, you are exposed to the foundational research in resilience, including protective factors such as mental agility and optimism. Several types of resilience interventions are explored including cognitive strategies; strategies to [...]

A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment (Coursera)

What are the determinants of a happy and fulfilling life? This is surely one of life’s biggest questions, and a question that has interested many of our ancestors. Buddha famously gave up his kingdom in search of happiness. Several Greek philosophers (from Aristotle to Epicurus and Plato to Socrates) had [...]

Become a Peer Sponsor: Intro to Military Transition Support (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Become a Peer Sponsor: Intro to Military Transition Support (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The Department of Veterans Affairs’ Veteran Sponsorship Initiative (VSI) provides manualized, certification training to individuals interested in supporting service members and veterans as they transition from military service. The VSI is an evidence-based program designed to reduce transition stressors by matching service members with a community-based sponsor who [...]

De-Mystifying Mindfulness (Coursera)

Interest in meditation, mindfulness, and contemplation has grown exponentially in recent years. Rather than being seen as mystical practices from ancient Buddhism or esoteric philosophy, they are increasingly seen as technologies rooted in evidence from psychology and neuroscience. Mindfulness has become the basis for numerous therapeutic interventions, [...]

Unethical Decision Making in Organizations (Coursera)

This course 'Unethical decision making in organizations : A seminar on the dark side of the force' will teach you how strong organizational contexts push good people towards unethical decisions. You will also learn how to protect yourself and your organization against such forces lurking in the dark. This [...]

Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology (Coursera)

This course gives you access to an exploration of physiological systems from the perspective of overall health and wellness. In particular, a focus on yoga, meditation and mindfulness as a therapeutic intervention in chronic illness and long term treatment. This course is intended for yoga practitioners and teachers, as [...]

The Career Design Lab: Change your Job, Change your Life (Coursera)

If your work isn’t fulfilling, now is the time to change direction and design a life you love. This course is for people at any life stage who want a job they enjoy and a career aligned with their values. If you’re languishing at work or feel like quiet [...]

Mindfulness and Resilience to Stress at Work (edX)

Learn research-based strategies to help you foster mindfulness, handle stress, and guard against burnout. Stress, anxiety, and burnout are rampant across workplaces today: 80 percent of workers feel stress on the job, and nearly half say they need help learning how to manage it. While many organizations may assume [...]