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Transformative Citizen Science for Sustainability (edX)

Go beyond citizen-gathered data. Learn to design projects that actively mobilise citizens, policy makers and scientists to improve human and ecological wellbeing. In this advanced course, world leading experts from Wageningen University & Research share key principles and practices for Transformative Citizen Science for Sustainability. Join us and develop [...]

Introduction to Animal Behaviour (edX)

Explore the amazing range and complexity of wild animal behaviour. Discover how animals learn, communicate, find food, avoid predators, and interact socially. Do you want to understand how and why animals behave the way they do, and how we test hypotheses about behaviour scientifically? This biology and life sciences [...]

Visionary leadership, identity & motivation: Become a meaning maker (Coursera)

When faced with a complex and ambiguous work environment, how do you, as a potential leader, envision the future? How can you deliver on your vision in a way that conveys meaning and drives positive change within your organisation? In this course you will explore how leaders can create [...]

Comunicación, experimentación y aprendizaje en liderazgo (Coursera)

Este es un curso práctico, enfocado en planear experimentos, ensayos y errores para intervenir en sistemas humanos y movilizarlos a trabajar en desafíos complejos. El Liderazgo para problemas complejos es un deporte de contacto, es muy útil entrenar, tener planes y luego ser capaz de improvisar efectivamente durante la [...]

Let's Talk Consent (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Let's Talk Consent (Coursera)
Free Course
Hello and welcome to Interpersonal Consent 101! In this course, we’re going to break down concepts relating to consent, boundaries and permission using relevant examples from everyday life. We’ll be using text and video lessons as well as surveys and assignments to help you better understand consent in a [...]

Communication Principles for Leaders (Coursera)

This course was developed for professionals from any area or industry to use communication strategically to improve their management and business understanding. There is no mandatory prerequisite but having business experience will help participants make the most of the proposal of texts, analyses, and content. From a unique approach, [...]

Leading Transformation (Coursera)

This course was developed for professionals from any area or industry to use communication strategically to improve their management and business understanding. There is no mandatory prerequisite but having business experience will help participants make the most of the proposal of texts, analyses, and content. From a unique approach, [...]

Product Management: Foundations & Stakeholder Collaboration (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
 Product Management: Foundations & Stakeholder Collaboration (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Product managers play a crucial role in driving the development and success of a product, serving as a critical link between customers, stakeholders, and the development team. They are responsible for understanding market requirements, defining product objectives and features, and overseeing the entire product lifecycle from conception to its [...]

Executing the Iteration & PI with SAFe (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Executing the Iteration & PI with SAFe (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Embark on a journey through the intricate landscape of the Scaled Agile Framework with the "Executing the Iteration & PI with SAFe" course, designed to provide participants with a holistic understanding of large-scale agile methodologies.
Apr 29th 2024
Course Auditing
45.00 EUR/month

Active Listening: Enhancing Communication Skills (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Active Listening: Enhancing Communication Skills (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In workplace and personal interactions, mastering active listening is a crucial skill for effective communication and building meaningful relationships. This comprehensive course on Active Listening introduces learners to a range of techniques and strategies that empower them to become active listeners in various interpersonal contexts. [...]