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Coaching Practices (Coursera)

In order for coaching to be most effective, it’s important that there is strong culture of coaching and accountability which you will learn how to incorporate into your one-on-one meetings in this course. We’ll discuss strategies in coaching great employees who are highly motivated, consistent performers, and poor performers. [...]

Managing Talent (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn best practices for selecting, recruiting, and onboarding talent. You will also learn about the key approaches to measuring performance and evaluating your employees. In addition, you will learn how to develop and coach your talent so that they can realize their full potential [...]

Applications of Everyday Leadership (Coursera)

This course covers the following topics: negotiation, feedback and coaching, conflict management, and leading change. The objectives are to learn how to use leadership skills to work more effectively with others, how to use leadership skills to organize others to work more effectively together, and to apply the foundations [...]

Tu consultorio de Coaching en las ondas (Coursera)

Este MOOC, Coaching en las ondas, da respuesta a la necesidad de los directivos o responsables de equipos de aprender nuevas estrategias que les permitan dar respuestas adecuadas a los grupos con los que interactúan. Esta aproximación a la gestión de los equipos se efectúa mediante los recursos del [...]

Inspirar el liderazgo a través de la inteligencia emocional (Coursera)

La inteligencia emocional, la esperanza, la atención plena y la compasión ayudan a una persona a revertir el daño del estrés crónico y a construir excelentes relaciones de liderazgo. Los atractores emocionales positivos y negativos inspiran cambios y aprendizajes sostenidos y deseados en muchos [...]

Science of Training Young Athletes Part 2 (Coursera)

In this course you will learn how to design the type of training that takes advantage of the plastic nature of the athlete’s body so you mold the right phenotype for a sport. We explore ways the muscular system can be designed to generate higher force and power and [...]

Managing Employee Performance (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Managing Employee Performance (Coursera)
Course Auditing
In today's dynamic business environment, effective performance management is a crucial skill that sets exceptional leaders apart. This course is designed to equip managers with the principles and techniques required to manage employee performance successfully. Learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of performance management, including setting clear expectations, providing [...]

National Academy of Sports Medicine Nutrition Essentials (Coursera)

NASM's Nutrition Coaching Essentials enables you to provide evidence-based guidance to those seeking to improve body composition, athletic performance, and health. By successfully completing this program, you will have the knowledge and abilities to leverage nutrition education to increase your client's success, reduce turnover, and maximize [...]

Fornire un feedback utile (Coursera)

Questo corso vi insegna i semplici principi che usano i manager esperti per migliorare e motivare le prestazioni dei dipendenti. Non dovete mai evitare di dire a un dipendente "la verità" di nuovo, perché le sette tecniche che insegnamo non metteranno i dipendenti alla difensiva né li spaventeranno. Come [...]

Giving Helpful Feedback (Coursera)

This course teaches you the simple principles expert managers use to improve and motivate employee performance. You’ll never have to avoid telling an employee “the truth” again, because the seven techniques we teach will not make employees defensive or afraid. As a manager, or someone who would like to [...]