Performance Management

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Employee Relations (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Employee Relations (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course explores how to create and administer policies and procedures for an organization. You will evaluate the values and attitudes between the workforce and employees. You will learn performance methods for all levels of employees.

Performance Monitoring For Application Developers (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Performance Monitoring For Application Developers (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is designed for those who want to get the most out of the applications you write. Learn about the different tools and strategies for diagnosing areas of concern regarding application performance. All assignments are hands-on, and there is nothing to install on your own computer. All work [...]

Fundamentals of Management, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Fundamentals of Management, with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women (Coursera)
Free Course
This free online course is one of 10 courses available in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women collection, designed for entrepreneurs ready to take their business to the next level. This course focuses on the most critical resource for growth in your business – your employees. Understanding of human resource [...]

People Analytics (Coursera)

People analytics is a data-driven approach to managing people at work. For the first time in history, business leaders can make decisions about their people based on deep analysis of data rather than the traditional methods of personal relationships, decision making based on experience, and risk avoidance. In this [...]

Applications of Everyday Leadership (Coursera)

This course covers the following topics: negotiation, feedback and coaching, conflict management, and leading change. The objectives are to learn how to use leadership skills to work more effectively with others, how to use leadership skills to organize others to work more effectively together, and to apply the foundations [...]

Riscos Financeiros (Crédito, Mercado e Liquidez) (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Riscos Financeiros (Crédito, Mercado e Liquidez) (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Riscos Financeiros (Crédito, Mercado e Liquidez). Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre conceitos associados à seleção da carteira de investimento, à análise de retorno e riscos que são utilizados na gestão de carteiras e a conceitos sobre modelos utilizados na precificação e alocação dos [...]

Fundamentos de la Administración con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Fundamentos de la Administración con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women (Coursera)
Free Course
Este curso online gratuito es uno de los 10 cursos disponibles en la colección Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women, diseñado para emprendedoras listas para llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel. En este curso, nos enfocaremos en el recurso de crecimiento más importante de la empresa: tus empleados. La comprensión de [...]

Fundamentos de Gerenciamento com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs (Coursera)

Este curso online gratuito é um dos 10 cursos disponíveis na coleção 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs, projetado para empreendedoras prontas para levar seus negócios para o próximo nível. Este curso foca no recurso mais crítico para o crescimento de sua empresa – seus funcionários. Entender sobre a gestão [...]

Managing Employee Performance (Coursera)

Once you have hired good employees, the next step that successful people managers take is to develop the full potential of their employees. Performance management is a process that helps managers achieve the goal of getting the best from their employees. In this third course in the Human [...]

Strategy Implementation (Coursera)

Even thoroughly developed business strategies may fail if not enough attention is paid to their implementation. This rings particularly true with strategies based on innovation or implemented in complex or fast-changing environments. In the 20th century successful implementation leveraged stability and typically proceeded through hierarchy and control. Today the [...]