Social Networks

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Introduction to Effective Network Analysis (FutureLearn)

Mar 21st 2022
Introduction to Effective Network Analysis (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn network monitoring and analysis to ensure security and guard against social network cybercrime. Protect your organisation with effective network security. As cybercrime continues to grow, analysis of social networks has become a powerful tool in criminology and criminal investigations. This four-week course will give you a comprehensive introduction [...]

Managing social media posts with Hootsuite (Coursera)

This project is for people who are interested in using Hootsuite to handle their social posts on multiple channels. You will learn how to use Hootsuite to create posts, manage your content and interact with your audience.

Online Advertising & Social Media (edX)

Learn how to develop Online Advertising Ecosystems complete with Social Media/Social Network and Media Big Data analysis for better decision making in all forms of outreach. Building an online brand and outreach strategy is paramount to any social media planning and strategy. The vast amount of data, customer insights, [...]

Social Network Analysis: The Networks Connecting People (FutureLearn)

Explore the structure and dynamics of different types of social networks and use models to identify patterns of social influence. Learn how norms, viruses and info spread through social networks. Have you ever wondered how a tiny virus can spread across the planet, how people share false information through [...]

Cidadão Cibersocial (NAU)

O CNCS desenvolveu o curso Cidadão Cibersocial com a finalidade de dar a conhecer as melhores práticas na utilização das redes sociais. Seja um Cidadão Cibersocial e desenvolva competências na utilização das redes sociais e aprenda sobre segurança e privacidade.

Introdução às Redes Sociais (NAU)

As redes sociais mudaram o paradigma da comunicação. Não fique para trás e aprenda a comunicar com o Cenjor nestes novos espaços digitais. Há pessoas que resistem às redes sociais. Outras que se limitam a reagir às publicações que veem. Algumas que têm dúvidas sobre o que hão de [...]

Intro to Algorithms (Udacity)

Self Paced
Intro to Algorithms (Udacity)
Free Course
This class will give you an introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms, enabling you to analyze networks and discover how individuals are connected.

Social Media Research (Totem)

Going undercover on Instagram. In this course on Social Media Research, you can learn more about finding images, videos, audio recordings and new information on social media, which will expand your perspectives and support existing information and narratives.

The Power of Social Media (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
The Power of Social Media (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore the impact of social media on the world and learn how to put it to good use in everyday life. Social networks have emerged over the past 10 years in various forms to play a fundamental role in our lives. But do we actually understand these networks? And [...]

Se former pour l’ICN Informatique et Création Numérique (FUN)

No sessions available
Se former pour l’ICN Informatique et Création Numérique (FUN)
Free Course
Un MOOC d’initiation à l'Informatique et à la Création Numérique, pour aider les enseignants de l'option ICN au Lycée et au delà tout citoyen ou citoyenne désirant être éclairé sur ces sujets. Les lycéennes et lycéens de toutes sections commencent à apprendre de l'informatique pour ne plus être de [...]