University of Warsaw

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Data Literacy – What is it and why does it matter? (Coursera)

You might already know that data is not neutral. Our values and assumptions are influenced by the data surrounding us - the data we create, the data we collect, and the data we share with each other. Economic needs, social structures, or algorithmic biases can have profound consequences for [...]

Intellectual Property Management in the Food Sector: Safeguarding Your Trademarks in the Global Marketplace (FutureLearn)

Jan 2nd 2023
Intellectual Property Management in the Food Sector: Safeguarding Your Trademarks in the Global Marketplace (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Intellectual property is your company’s lifeblood. Learn what you need to do to safeguard it. Discover how to manage intellectual property in the food industry. Your company’s Intellectual Property (‘IP’) is one of your greatest assets, providing a powerful competitive advantage in the global marketplace. On this course, you’ll [...]

Decision Making in a Complex World: Using Computer Simulations to Understand Human Behaviour (FutureLearn)

Understand how humans make decisions by exploring illustrative videos, short articles, and simulations on your own computer. Gain insights into the social phenomena around making choices. People use social cues to help them make decisions in diverse situations. This information is often scarce and uncertain but is also sometimes [...]

Understanding Human Behaviour: Introduction to Game Theory and Shared Resources (FutureLearn)

Explore the issues humans face when sharing and cooperating, and use game theory, models, and simulations to identify solutions. ​​Expand your understanding of social sciences. This four-week course will help you explore why sharing goods or tasks is difficult. You’ll enrich your understanding of the problems people have when [...]

People, Networks and Neighbours: Understanding Social Dynamics (FutureLearn)

Learn why social processes seem so unpredictable and understand better the basics of social dynamics. Explore a new way of approaching questions about social behaviour. This three-week course will help you understand why social processes seem so unpredictable and understand better the basics of social [...]

Social Network Analysis: The Networks Connecting People (FutureLearn)

Explore the structure and dynamics of different types of social networks and use models to identify patterns of social influence. Learn how norms, viruses and info spread through social networks. Have you ever wondered how a tiny virus can spread across the planet, how people share false information through [...]