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Introduction to Reproducibility in Cancer Informatics (Coursera)

The course is intended for students in the biomedical sciences and researchers who use informatics tools in their research and have not had training in reproducibility tools and methods.

The Social and Technical Context of Health Informatics (Coursera)

Improving health and healthcare institutions requires understanding of data and creation of interventions at the many levels at which health IT interact and affect the institution. These levels range from the external “world” in which the institution operates down to the specific technologies. Data scientists find that, when they [...]

Interprofessional Healthcare Informatics (Coursera)

Interprofessional Healthcare Informatics is a graduate-level, hands-on interactive exploration of real informatics tools and techniques offered by the University of Minnesota and the University of Minnesota's National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. We will be incorporating technology-enabled educational innovations to bring the subject matter to life. Over the [...]

Leadership for Cancer Informatics Research (Coursera)

Dec 2nd 2024
Leadership for Cancer Informatics Research (Coursera)
Free Course
Informatics research often requires multidisciplinary teams. This requires more flexibility to communicate with team members with distinct backgrounds. Furthermore, team members often have different research and career goals. This can present unique challenges in making sure that everyone is on the same page and cohesively working together. This course [...]

Documentation and Usability for Cancer Informatics (Coursera)

Cancer datasets are plentiful, complicated, and hold information that may be critical for the next research advancements. In order to use these data to their full potential, researchers are dependent on the specialized data tools that are continually being published and developed. Bioinformatics tools can often be unfriendly to [...]

Materials Data Sciences and Informatics (Coursera)

This course aims to provide a succinct overview of the emerging discipline of Materials Informatics at the intersection of materials science, computational science, and information science. Attention is drawn to specific opportunities afforded by this new field in accelerating materials development and deployment efforts. [...]

Data Analytics and Visualization in Health Care (edX)

Learn best practices in data analytics, informatics, and visualization to gain literacy in data-driven, strategic imperatives that affect all facets of health care. Big data is transforming the health care industry relative to improving quality of care and reducing costs—key objectives for most organizations. Employers are desperately searching for [...]

Coding - il linguaggio nascosto delle cose (POK)

Il corso mostra, tramite alcuni esempi, una delle possibilità offerta dalla diffusione dei calcolatori nel mondo che ci circonda: comunicare con gli oggetti usando "il linguaggio", per programmarli e realizzare idee altrimenti impossibili.

Fondamenti di informatica (Federica Web Learning)

Il mondo moderno è sempre più dipendente dall’Informatica e conoscerne i fondamenti e le relative applicazioni risulta essenziale per comprendere il funzionamento degli attuali Sistemi di Elaborazione delle Informazioni, oramai diffusi nei contesti più disparati ed imprescindibili per molte delle attività della nostra vita quotidiana. Il corso di Fondamenti [...]

Introdução à Informática (UAb)

Este curso pretende tornar os participantes mais produtivos na utilização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, fundamentais para melhor comunicar, gerir e produzir informação, economizando tempo e esforço. Desenvolva as suas competências digitais, essenciais para todas as atividades [...]