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Two Speed IT: How Companies Can Surf the Digital Wave, a BCG Perspective (Coursera)

Transform or disappear, the Darwinism of IT: In order to adapt to a digital world, a two-speed IT is needed. Despite the importance of IT in today’s digital world, Chief Information Officers (CIOs) often struggle to get their voices heard by executive committees. Faced with this challenge, IT departments [...]

Practice Exam for CompTIA ITF+ Certification (Coursera)

This short course from IBM will test your readiness for the CompTIA ITF+ Certification exam. Success in the CompTIA ITF+ exam certifies candidates’ readiness to embark on a career as an IT practitioner, for example, an IT Support Specialist.

Information Technology (IT) Fundamentals for Everyone (Coursera)

Jan 6th 2025
Information Technology (IT) Fundamentals for Everyone (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will guide you through fundamental concepts and skills to confidently navigate various aspects of IT and the digital world. You will be introduced to the vast field of IT, covering a wide range of topics to build your IT knowledge. You will delve into hardware, operating systems [...]

IT Infrastructure and Emerging Trends (Coursera)

Today organizations are either embracing digital technologies to improve their businesses or being disrupted by entrants with such capabilities. Therefore it is important for managers and executives of all organizations to learn about various technologies and apply them in innovative ways. Some of the most important trends in Information [...]

IS/IT Governance (Coursera)

Firms make significant investments in IT. In the IS/IT Governance course we will discuss how to govern IT to make sure that the IT investments contribute to organizational goals and strategies. Firms need to formally evaluate significant IT investments. IT investments are also risky, so firms need to consider [...]

IT Fundamentals for Business Professionals: Cybersecurity and social implications (edX)

Working with Information Technology (IT) without the necessary background? Learn about cybersecurity, careers, and social implications of IT. This course is one of the 5 courses of an introductory business information systems series, designed to introduce you to the amazing world of Information [...]

Introduction: Emerging Technologies in an Enterprise Environment (edX)

Self Paced
Introduction: Emerging Technologies in an Enterprise Environment (edX)
Course Auditing
Successfully leverage and implement emerging technologies within a business enterprise environment. Professionals operating at the intersection of IT and business face unique challenges, amplified by data proliferation and ever-evolving technology. To add business value and remain competitive, it is crucial to understand how to successfully leverage emerging technologies within [...]

Introduction to FinOps (Linux Foundation)

Learn how FinOps gets IT, Business and Finance working together to leverage Cloud to innovate, deliver and make money. This free introductory course describes the basics of FinOps and how it can positively impact an organization. FinOps allows organizations to build a culture of accountability around Cloud use that [...]

Understanding Information and Technology Today (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
Understanding Information and Technology Today (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Non-technological ‘big picture’ of technology and information systems to help you understand what technology can do for you today. When we talk about technology and IS (information systems) we tend to focus on computers. Instead, in this course we examine the ‘big picture’ of technology, in order to gain [...]

Se former pour l’ICN Informatique et Création Numérique (FUN)

No sessions available
Se former pour l’ICN Informatique et Création Numérique (FUN)
Free Course
Un MOOC d’initiation à l'Informatique et à la Création Numérique, pour aider les enseignants de l'option ICN au Lycée et au delà tout citoyen ou citoyenne désirant être éclairé sur ces sujets. Les lycéennes et lycéens de toutes sections commencent à apprendre de l'informatique pour ne plus être de [...]