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Career Brand Development and Self-Coaching (Coursera)

In this course, you will engage in developing and strengthening the functional component of your career brand. Acting as “your own Chief Executive Officer” (P. Drucker), you will learn how to use strategic management models and techniques for enhancing your skills portfolio. You will learn how to increase your [...]

Principles of Management (Coursera)

Team leads, managers, and entrepreneurs must juggle team citizenship and leadership, ethics, strategy, and projects with their work in their area of expertise. While an individual contributor’s success may depend on their own direct input -- the sweat of their own brow – managers’ success depends on their ability [...]

Introduzione al Debate (POK)

Introduzione al Debate (POK)
Free Course
Cos’è il Debate e come praticarlo al meglio in classe? Quali sono le sue regole? Come valutarlo? In questo corso potrai trovare non solo valide risposte a questi interrogativi, ma anche pratiche raccomandazioni e suggerimenti da parte di docenti esperti.

Leading Transformative Change in Education (edX)

This course is archived
Leading Transformative Change in Education (edX)
Course Auditing
Develop a comprehensive plan for increasing your personal leadership capacity to effect meaningful change now and into the future. Explore methods and strategies to critique and rethink organisational practices in education; develop staff and student wellbeing; and use coaching to support and lead change in your [...]

Football: More than a Game (FutureLearn)

Nov 7th 2022
Football: More than a Game (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore the role of football in the world today - including finances, clubs, nations and rivalries - with this free online course. Explore the world of football (soccer), the money, the rivalries, the trends, the past, the present, the men’s game, the woman’s game and the real issues. Whether [...]

Expanda su desarrollo profesional con Google Classroom (Coursera)

Mar 7th 2022
Expanda su desarrollo profesional con Google Classroom (Coursera)
Free Course
Al final de este proyecto, los participantes sabrán cómo configurar una clase de Google Classroom para diferentes tipos de capacitación, entrenamiento y proyectos corporativos, cómo invitar y agregar personas a la clase virtual, cómo agregar y compartir contenido, cómo asignar tareas, compartir comentarios sobre las tareas y cómo [...]

Performance and Motivation at Work (edX)

Learn what factors support high performance at work, including systems, processes, and interpersonal relationships, as part of the Organizational Psychology MicroMasters. High performing employees is one of the most important contributors to successful organizations. But how can high performance be supported? In this course we will cover topics relating [...]

Business vs Busyness: How Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Create More Free Time (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Business vs Busyness: How Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Create More Free Time (Skillshare)
Free Course
When we daydreamed about, stumbled upon or leapt into entrepreneurship, never did we ever declare, "When I grow up, I want to be sooooo busy that I end up in the hospital!" Yet, in our fast paced, comparison prone culture, as we attempt to navigate business, we often get [...]

The Karma Yogi "Strengthen Your Gratitude Muscle" Challenge (Skillshare)

Self Paced
The Karma Yogi "Strengthen Your Gratitude Muscle" Challenge (Skillshare)
Free Course
Like different muscles in our body, we also have emotional muscles within us and one of the most important ones is that of gratitude. And because it’s a muscle, there are ways we can exercise it and make it stronger. When our schedule is packed with different tasks and [...]

MEANINGFUL PRODUCTIVITY | Create Sustainable Habits (Skillshare)

This class is part of the Meaningful Productivity series and will help you to develop any habit you want and makes it stick so you can be more productive. Before you start this course, please think about a habit you want to establish and why it is that you [...]