Team Building

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Building High-Performing Teams (Coursera)

Teams are essential to the modern organization, but most never reach their potential. Co-workers miscommunicate, and groups struggle to adapt to changes in the market or their organizations. When teams lack self-awareness about these challenges, performance suffers. Based on years of team culture research and consulting experience, this course [...]

Building a Data Science Team (Coursera)

Data science is a team sport. As a data science executive it is your job to recruit, organize, and manage the team to success. In this one-week course, we will cover how you can find the right people to fill out your data science team, how to organize them [...]

The Power of Team Culture (Coursera)

Behind the success and failure of teams lies team culture. But what exactly is culture? How and why does it contribute to success and failure? In this course, you learn how to recognize aspects of team culture of which most people are typically unaware. It is often these seemingly [...]

Connected Leadership (Coursera)

This course is designed to maximize your ability to create change at the individual, team and system levels. Through study, reflection, and deploying practical tools, you will establish a firm connection between your clearly articulated Purpose, effective Priorities, visualized Potential for success, and pathway to maximized Progress. But, what [...]

Como engajar equipes e criar cultura em ambientes virtuais (Coursera)

O programa é muito útil tanto para líderes quanto para membros de equipes virtuais. Os conhecimentos obtidos permite que você forme, participe e lidere equipes de maneira mais eficaz, principalmente em situações de mudança e transformação digital. O processo de aprendizagem é dinâmico, interativo e prático. Neste programa [...]

Entrepreneurship for Engineers (edX)

A toolbox for building a technology startup from idea to execution. Are you an entrepreneur, or do you have a passion for building your own technology startup? This course will help and encourage you to start a successful technology-based venture. If you always wanted to become an entrepreneur, or [...]

Leading Transformative Change in Education (edX)

This course is archived
Leading Transformative Change in Education (edX)
Course Auditing
Develop a comprehensive plan for increasing your personal leadership capacity to effect meaningful change now and into the future. Explore methods and strategies to critique and rethink organisational practices in education; develop staff and student wellbeing; and use coaching to support and lead change in your [...]

Be the Startup Hero: Draper University Business Plan Competition (edX)

Self Paced
Be the Startup Hero: Draper University Business Plan Competition (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn to build and grow your business from the best entrepreneurs and operators in the world. Meet investors as they walk you through fundraising and diligence. Submit your pitch and business plan to win a slot at Draper University’s accelerator in Silicon Valley.