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Moving, Shooting, and Debugging in GameMaker (Coursera)

This course is the second course in the specialization about learning how to develop video games using GameMaker on Windows or Mac. Why use GameMaker instead of using C# and Unity or C++ and Unreal*? Learning to develop games with GameMaker is much easier than learning to program in [...]

Planning, HUDs, and Spawners in GameMaker (Coursera)

This course is the third course in the specialization about learning how to develop video games using GameMaker on Windows or Mac. Why use GameMaker instead of using C# and Unity or C++ and Unreal*? Learning to develop games with GameMaker is much easier than learning to program in [...]

Making Your First Virtual Reality Game (Coursera)

Virtual Reality is one of the most exciting experiences that technology can give us. The immersion and presence you can have in VR is quite unlike any other medium. Like many others, you are excited about the possibilities of this new medium and want to get started developing your [...]

Historia de las reglas del fútbol en Inglaterra y en Argentina (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Historia de las reglas del fútbol en Inglaterra y en Argentina (Coursera)
Course Auditing
El curso es accesible para todos los aficionados al fútbol ya sean del nivel de un principiante como el de un profesional dado que describe de una manera clara y sencilla cómo se originó el fútbol en Inglaterra en el Siglo XIV y el modo en que se fueron [...]

AR games using Vuforia SDK (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
AR games using Vuforia SDK (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Are you ready for more fun with Unity? In this course, you will be introduced to the Vuforia SDK that works with Unity. You will also learn more about plane tracking in AR and develop a fun AR bowling game.

Gameplay en videojuegos (Coursera)

¿Cómo se estructura y funciona un programa de videojuego? Es lo que comúnmente se conoce como 'gameplay', y que constituirá nuestro núcleo de estudio en este curso. Su análisis detallado nos permitirá comprender su importancia, y qué funcionalidades debe tener. Analizaremos también la interface gráfica del usuario (GUI), que [...]

World Design for Video Games (Coursera)

Start creating your world. A game world is not just a backdrop for your game—be it minimal or detailed, contained or part of a much bigger universe, it provides the context for your player. Ultimately, a game world should feel alive and wholly unique to any player who will [...]

Introduction to Game Design (Coursera)

Welcome! This course is an introduction to the primary concepts of gaming, and an exploration of how these basic concepts affect the way gamers interact with our games. In this course you will understand what defines a “game” and the mechanics and rules behind different types of games. Through [...]

An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 2) (Coursera)

This two-part course is designed to help students with very little or no computing background learn the basics of building simple interactive applications. Our language of choice, Python, is an easy-to learn, high-level computer language that is used in many of the computational courses offered on Coursera. To make [...]

Gamification (Coursera)

Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. This course will teach you the mechanisms of gamification, why it has such tremendous potential, and how to use it effectively.