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Financial Analysis of Scenarios and Decisions (Coursera)

This course focuses on adopting and implementing a financially analytic mindset when engaged in organizational decision-making and scenario analysis. The course begins with an overview of the "internal" perspective of the organization, in which you will learn fundamental concepts, including the importance of how cost information is organized for [...]

Budgeting essentials and development (Coursera)

In this course, learners will have a deeper understanding of the budgeting process, its challenges, common issues, and approaches to mitigate the problems and improve the learning curve of budget planning. It is integrative by emphasizing the transition between the corporate strategy and the budget. It is practical by [...]

The Fundamentals of Revenue Management: The Cornerstone of Revenue Strategy (Coursera)

With a fixed capacity, a highly disposable product and high fixed costs, hotels are a natural candidate for the application of revenue management. Originally developed by the airlines in the 1970s, these analytics-based techniques help predict consumer behavior at the hotel’s market level so that the hotel can sell [...]

Forecasting, Budgeting, Territories, Evaluation and Legal/Ethical Issues (Coursera)

In the fourth part of the Sales Operations/Management Specialization, students will explore the purpose and methods for forecasting and budgeting in a management role. Next, we will learn how to develop territories and evaluate sales performance. Finally, we will explore the legal and ethical issues facing sales [...]

Administración financiera y su función en la empresa (Coursera)

Las finanzas corporativas son importantes en cualquier organización pues nos dan a conocer las necesidades de inversión y financiamiento de cualquier ente económico. Son indispensables para que el administrador financiero tome decisiones correctas en las áreas de operación, inversión y financiamiento para tal efecto, requiere de una serie de [...]

Finanzas para profesionales no financieros (Coursera)

Tome las riendas de sus decisiones financieras y aprenda cómo estas repercuten sobre la rentabilidad de su unidad y su organización. En este curso, obtendrá información básica sobre conceptos contables y financieros que le permitirán impulsar el crecimiento de su organización.

Financial Forecasting and Reporting (Coursera)

This course discusses how public projects are evaluated using cost-benefit analysis. Learners discover how interest rates and prices for stocks and bonds are determined. Techniques are presented on how to create departmental budgets for engineering cost centers and pro forma statements for profit centers. Learners then work with corporate [...]

Management and financial accounting: Know your numbers 1 (Coursera)

Financial literacy is a fundamental capability for any business leader, whether you are running your own small business/start-up or working at a large organisation. This course will provide you with a sound foundational understanding of financial and management accounting, and how to use accounting to facilitate and align decisions [...]

Project Planning: Putting It All Together (Coursera)

Apr 30th 2024
Project Planning: Putting It All Together (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the third course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will explore how to map out a project in the second phase of the project life cycle: the project planning phase. You will examine the key components of a project plan, how to make accurate [...]