Analysing: Numeric and digital literacies Specialization

Being financially and data-literate is a requirement of all effective leaders. This includes the ability to analyse data and harness its value, as well as to leverage these skills to become a future-focused business leader. In four themed courses, this specialisation will: teach you that financial literacy is a required capability for every business leader (Know Your Numbers 1); provide you with a foundational understanding of how to manage your organisation’s finances effectively (Know Your Numbers 2); equip you with tools to analyse data and generate market insights (Generate Insights); and explore what to measure to maximise customer value (Know Your Customers).
Assess the financial health of an organisation through analysis of its published financial statements and associated data
Forecast how the strategy of an organisation will impact its financial results; and the implications upon the future strategy
Leverage insights from customer intelligence and user experience in order to assess the elements of value generated by the organisation
Use statistical analysis to generate and / or validate quantitative insights in order to support more effective decision-making by management

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Marketing analytics: Know your customers (Coursera)

Are your customers at the centre of your organisation’s strategy? An understanding of marketing analytics, the core component of this course, is crucial to serving your customers well. Through structured learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts, industry interviews and written assessments) this course will teach you what to [...]

Business intelligence and data analytics: Generate insights (Coursera)

‘Megatrends’ heavily influence today’s organisations, industries and societies, and your ability to generate insights in this area is crucial to your organisation’s success into the future. This course will introduce you to analytical tools and skills you can use to understand, analyse and evaluate the challenges and opportunities ‘megatrends’ [...]

Management and financial accounting: Know your numbers 1 (Coursera)

Financial literacy is a fundamental capability for any business leader, whether you are running your own small business/start-up or working at a large organisation. This course will provide you with a sound foundational understanding of financial and management accounting, and how to use accounting to facilitate and align decisions [...]

Corporate finance: Know your numbers 2 (Coursera)

Every manager must have a foundational understanding of financial management. This course will prepare you for responsible and sustainable leadership from a financial management perspective. Via structured learning activities (video lectures, quizzes, discussion prompts and written assessments) you’ll learn the key aspects of effective financial management by focusing on: [...]