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Marketing Analytics (Coursera)

Organizations large and small are inundated with data about consumer choices. But that wealth of information does not always translate into better decisions. Knowing how to interpret data is the challenge -- and marketers in particular are increasingly expected to use analytics to inform and justify their decisions. Marketing [...]

The Business of Social (Coursera)

In a 2014 study of CEOs and CMOs, IBM found 63% wanted social strategies which generate business metrics while only 20% of businesses worldwide actually have them. This means strategies which not only grow your company’s social footprint but link to your sales and marketing systems. With this critical [...]

Reviews & Metrics for Software Improvements (Coursera)

This course covers techniques for monitoring your projects in order to align client needs, project plans, and software production. It focuses on metrics and reviews to track and improve project progress and software quality. What you will learn: apply techniques to measure and visualize project progress, integrate Agile review [...]

Introdução ao Marketing Analítico (Coursera)

Apr 1st 2024
Introdução ao Marketing Analítico (Coursera)
Course Auditing
O curso tem como objetivo central introduzir o conceito de Marketing Analítico e apresentar de forma simplificada e prática algumas técnicas, de modo que o participante possa avaliar e recomendar decisões e ações em Marketing baseadas em análise de dados.

A/B Testing (Udacity)

Self Paced
A/B Testing (Udacity)
Free Course
Online Experiment Design and Analysis. This course will cover the design and analysis of A/B tests, also known as split tests, which are online experiments used to test potential improvements to a website or mobile application.

Agile and Scrum Fundamentals (edX)

Self Paced
Agile and Scrum Fundamentals (edX)
Course Auditing
This course will benefit anyone who wants to get started with working the Agile way. It is particularly suitable for IT practitioners such as software developers, development managers, project managers, product managers, and executives.

Successfully Evaluating Predictive Modelling (edX)

Gain an in-depth understanding of evaluation and sampling approaches for effective predictive modelling using Python. A predictive exercise is not finished when a model is built. This course will equip you with essential skills for understanding performance evaluation metrics, using Python, to determine whether a model is performing [...]

Email Marketing Essentials: Measuring Impact with Metrics (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Email Marketing Essentials: Measuring Impact with Metrics  (Skillshare)
Free Course
Join Mailchimp's Chief Data Scientist John Foreman to learn about the email marketing metrics that can help you — the small business owners, freelancers, and startup teams — accomplish your business goals.