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Estrategias de Redes Sociales (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Estrategias de Redes Sociales (Coursera)
Course Auditing
En este curso, podrás adquirir los conocimientos y criterios iniciales para crear los objetivos, estrategias y tácticas para las redes sociales de tu plan de marketing digital. Conocerás en detalle los códigos y técnicas de Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y LinkedIn; incluyendo estrategias de contenido, anuncios y [...]

Encuentre su Nuevo Trabajo con LinkedIn (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Encuentre su Nuevo Trabajo con LinkedIn (Coursera)
Free Course
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que tuvo que buscar trabajo o quiso cambiar de profesión? Si ha pasado mucho tiempo o incluso recientemente, ¡este proyecto es para usted! Este proyecto le mostrará las herramientas de LinkedIn para la búsqueda de empleo y las formas de aprovechar su perfil para [...]

Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube Marketing (Coursera)

Digital Marketing Institute is the global standard in Digital Marketing Certification. Our mission is to give our students the confidence and knowledge they need to advance in their careers through this specialization. YouTube is second only to Facebook in popularity as a social network in 2021, with almost 2.3 [...]

Conversational Selling Playbook for SDRs (Coursera)

This is Course 3 in the Salesforce Sales Development Representative Professional Certificate. In order to successfully complete the course, please ensure you have taken Course 1: Groundwork for Success in Sales Development and Course 2: Foundations for Interviewing with Confidence. This course will dive into the 8 principles of [...]

Groundwork for Success in Sales Development (Coursera)

This is Course 1 in the Salesforce Sales Development Representative Professional Certificate. In order to successfully complete later courses, please ensure you have completed this course before moving on. This course is here to introduce you to the key role of a Sales Development Representative at a tech company. [...]

Foundations for Interviewing with Confidence (Coursera)

This is Course 2 in the Salesforce Sales Development Representative Professional Certificate. In order to successfully complete the course, please ensure you have taken Course 1: Groundwork for Success in Sales Development. The goal of this course is to prepare you to build your professional tech sales portfolio, and [...]

Successful Career Development (Coursera)

No matter the professional level, we can all benefit from learning how to succeed in our careers. Whether a well-seasoned professional, a management trainee, or a service level employee, this course will help you enrich your career by honing your professional behavior and networking.

Preparing to Network in English (edX)

Learn the basics of networking while you grow your social network and professional connections. Practice speaking to improve your English language skills for increased success in job hunting. Networking in the business world is key to career success. Research shows that many jobs are never officially advertised. Many companies [...]

Conducting an Informational Interview (edX)

This is the capstone networking course. Put all the skills that you have learned into practice. You’ll introduce yourself, write effective email, highlight your best qualities, and conduct an informational interview with a person of your choice.

Career Networking: Build a Social Media Presence (edX)

Learn to use social media platforms and social networks to build and advance your professional online presence and career goals. Develop strategies to connect with your target audience while posting content that increases your industry knowledge and network.