Business Performance

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Business Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (Coursera)

The future of healthcare is becoming dependent on our ability to integrate Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence into our organizations. But it is not enough to recognize the opportunities of AI; we as leaders in the healthcare industry have to first determine the best use for these applications ensuring [...]

Types of Conflict (Coursera)

Conflict is everywhere and it is impossible to avoid conflicting viewpoints. However, not all conflict is bad, nor is it inherently negative. How conflict is handled makes all the difference. It is through proper identification and understanding of conflict that allows for effective resolutions, some of which may yield [...]

Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses, Part II (Coursera)

This course focuses on the common human resource ("people") challenges faced by existing private businesses when they attempt to grow substantially. Part 1 of the grow to greatness course is not a prerequisite for taking this course.

Diversité et inclusion sur le lieu de travail (Coursera)

Nov 18th 2024
Diversité et inclusion sur le lieu de travail (Coursera)
Course Auditing
La diversité est une réalité indéniable dans le monde d'aujourd'hui. Les mouvements de femmes, le militantisme pour les droits civiques, Black Lives Matter, la mondialisation et bien d'autres encore ont tous contribué à attirer l'attention sur l'importance de la diversité et de l'inclusion. Les questions de diversité [...]

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace (Coursera)

Diversity is a fact. It is also paradoxical. We need to be capable of seeing and hearing differences in order to reap the benefits of diversity. But seeing and hearing differences hone our discriminating reflexes and can also lead to discrimination. If you take this MOOC, you will: 1. [...]

Mejora del Rendimiento Empresarial con Google Forms (Coursera)

Mar 7th 2022
Mejora del Rendimiento Empresarial con Google Forms (Coursera)
Free Course
En este curso basado en un proyecto y de 2 horas de duración, aprenderás a utilizar las herramientas básicas necesarias para realizar una encuesta de Google Forms, crear un formulario de Google así como añadir y editar las preguntas del formulario. Con ese curso verás cómo podemos elegir la [...]

Predictive Analytics: Solving Business Problems Using Machine Learning and Big Data (FutureLearn)

Explore how predictive models can help businesses use data to identify risks and discover new opportunities. Discover how predictive analytics could transform your business As businesses accrue more and more data about their customers – from their behavioural history to their transactions – being able to use ‘Big Data’ is [...]

How To Stay Employed In The Robotic Future (Skillshare)

Why do some people get a promotion while others get made redundant? What do they know that you don't? I believe that using technology and putting effort into the right things can help change a person's life forever, leading them to live a richer, healthier and happier life. For [...]

The Digital Economy: Success through Market Segmentation (FutureLearn)

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The Digital Economy: Success through Market Segmentation (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore how and why market segmentation can be used to improve customer satisfaction and business performance. Marketing is all about putting the customer at the centre of the business. But what exactly does that mean today? And what challenges do marketers face in satisfying ever more demanding customers in [...]