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Comunicación efectiva para el líder actual (Coursera)

La comunicación interpersonal es una de las habilidades profesionales y gerenciales más importantes: todos los días nos relacionamos con superiores, colaboradores, clientes y colegas. Ser un buen comunicador es sinónimo de ser buen líder. Este curso en línea de comunicación interpersonal y grupal ayuda a crear mejores ambientes laborales [...]

Gestión del talento humano (Coursera)

El curso aborda la organización desde una perspectiva sistémica en donde todos los elementos interactúan para lograr un resultado productivo. Se enfatiza la importancia de habilidades gerenciales para lograr estos propósitos.

Types of Conflict (Coursera)

Conflict is everywhere and it is impossible to avoid conflicting viewpoints. However, not all conflict is bad, nor is it inherently negative. How conflict is handled makes all the difference. It is through proper identification and understanding of conflict that allows for effective resolutions, some of which may yield [...]

The Arts and Science of Relationships: Understanding Human Needs (Coursera)

This course provides an introduction to: 1- Basic concepts of The Strategies and Skills Learning and Development System (SSLD), their relevance for every day relationships and provide advanced concepts for participants who work in fields of social work and health care. 2- Basic practice principles and methods of [...]

Women in Leadership: Inspiring Positive Change (Coursera)

This course aims to inspire and empower women and men across the world to engage in purposeful career development and take on leadership for important causes - to lead change with more conviction and confidence - and improve our workplaces and communities for all. By offering more complex understandings [...]

Influence Essentials for Leadership and Marketing (edX)

Self Paced
Influence Essentials for Leadership and Marketing (edX)
Course Auditing
Discover ‘Influence’– the attribute that can affect emotions and sway individual or group actions. Recognize the subtleties of this attribute and develop the skill to use this understanding to manage people and market to people. Influence plays an important role in nurturing human thoughts, ideas, and concepts. As children, [...]

Effective Communication for Today's Leader (edX)

Identify and develop the most important communication skills: assertiveness and empathy. Interpersonal communication is one of the most important management skills: everyday we relate with our bosses, collaborators, customers and colleagues. Being a good communicator is synonym to being a good [...]

Liderazgo femenino: potencia tus habilidades e impulsa el cambio (edX)

Construye tu plan individual de desarrollo personal, fortalece tus habilidades intrapersonales y comunicacionales y consigue potenciar tu liderazgo. ¿Sabes cuál es tu estilo de liderazgo? ¿Te gustaría desarrollar o fortalecer habilidades de liderazgo con un enfoque de género?¿Conoces cómo se encuentran los países de América Latina y el [...]