Food & Nutrition

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Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition (edX)

Learn about malnutrition and micronutrients and how they impact human health. There is an overload of information about nutrition and health, but what is the truth and what can you do to improve the health of your patients? Learn more about nutrition and how our diet profoundly impacts our [...]

Nutrition for Health and Sustainability (FutureLearn)

Learn what makes up a healthy, sustainable diet and how certain food types can help to treat and prevent disease. Explore the relationship between health, nutrition, and sustainability. Diet is the biggest single risk factor for preventable diseases in the world and a key driver of diabetes, heart disease, [...]

Causes of Human Disease: Nutrition and Environment (FutureLearn)

Sep 4th 2023
Causes of Human Disease: Nutrition and Environment (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Explore how nutrition and environmental factors, including lifestyle, influence your chance of developing human disease. On this course you’ll look at the importance of nutrition in human health and explore what happens to the body when it doesn’t receive the right nutrients.

Renewable Energy for Arctic Food and Water Security (edX)

A research-based course on resilient renewable energy solutions, with an emphasis on microgrids, and Food, Energy, and Water (FEW) security. This course provides research-based and on-the-ground tools for community planners, grid designers, and business leaders to improve and implement stronger and more resilient renewable energy in Arctic [...]

Nutrition for a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle (edX)

Self Paced
Nutrition for a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle (edX)
Course Auditing
An introduction to basic principles of human nutrition with emphasis on nutrients, food sources, and function of nutrients within the human body. Nutritional requirements throughout the life span are addressed, as well as the impact of cultural, psychological, and physiological dimensions.

Nitrogen: A Global Challenge (edX)

Learn about the global nitrogen challenge, how nitrogen has helped human civilization to develop, and how its misuse now threatens us. It’s a perfect storm. Limited food, water and energy unequally spread between an expanding population, and a warming climate as the bitter icing on the cake. In all [...]

Share Food, Cut Waste (POK)

From words to action: surplus food management to tackle food poverty and food waste. This course is addressed to all those who are interested in reducing food waste and enhancing food security for people in need. Producers, food transformers, distributors, HoReCa enterprises and non-profit organizations, as well as consumers [...]

Agricultura urbana y periurbana (Coursera)

Este curso explica un conjunto de conceptos y herramientas básicas y necesarias para la producción de alimentos agrícolas y pecuarios en pequeños espacios haciendo énfasis en la sustentabilidad de los mismos. Revisando temas como plagas y enfermedades, promueve el rescate de conocimientos tradicionales que, con bajo costo, permiten grandes [...]

Seguridad agroalimentaria (Coursera)

La seguridad agroalimentaria es uno de los mayores problemas a nivel mundial debido a que existen millones de personas que no tienen acceso diario a los alimentos. Por ello, es necesario revisar el concepto y analizar su importancia, elementos para la construcción de políticas para generar seguridad alimentaria, así [...]

Conscious Grocery Shopping: Sustainability, Nutrition, Health and Law (edX)

Would you consider yourself a conscious decider when it comes to food grocery shopping? Do you really buy healthy and sustainably? Enroll in this course for a journey through the grocery store with multidisciplinary scientific insights that will empower you to make better food choices. Our professors will give [...]