Human Nutrition

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Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition (edX)

Learn about malnutrition and micronutrients and how they impact human health. There is an overload of information about nutrition and health, but what is the truth and what can you do to improve the health of your patients? Learn more about nutrition and how our diet profoundly impacts our [...]

Bats, Ducks, and Pandemics: An Introduction to One Health Policy (Coursera)

Welcome to "Bats, Ducks, and Pandemics: An Introduction to One Health Policy". One Health is the concept that human, animal, and environmental/ecosystem health are linked. The concept provides a useful framework for examining complex health issues such as food safety and security, emerging and vector-borne diseases, and antimicrobial [...]

Nutrition for a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle (edX)

Self Paced
Nutrition for a Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle (edX)
Course Auditing
An introduction to basic principles of human nutrition with emphasis on nutrients, food sources, and function of nutrients within the human body. Nutritional requirements throughout the life span are addressed, as well as the impact of cultural, psychological, and physiological dimensions.

The Health Effects of Climate Change (edX)

Learnhow global warming impacts human health, and the wayswe can diminish those impacts. Our world's climate is changing. Of the top twenty hottest years ever recorded, sixteen have occurred in the last two decades. This warming has already had a profound effect.