A complete list of MOOCs and free online courses.

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Cyber-Physical Systems: Modeling and Simulation (Coursera)

Cyber-physical systems (CPS for short) combine digital and analog devices, interfaces, networks, computer systems, and the like, with the natural and man-made physical world. The inherent interconnected and heterogeneous combination of behaviors in these systems makes their analysis and design a challenging task. [...]

Orçamento e Cronograma de Projetos (Coursera)

Uma boa programação do projeto ajuda todos os membros da equipe a trabalhar em conjunto para atender aos objetivos do projeto. Um orçamento de projeto com restrições realistas de custos também é um fundamento essencial de qualquer projeto. Neste curso você aprenderá a planejar e manter restrições de tempo [...]

Project Management: Foundations and Initiation (Coursera)

Project Management: Foundations and Initiation provides students the foundational knowledge of how engineering projects are managed and initiated. Project managers are responsible for project scope, stakeholder management, effective communication, and team leadership. In this course, you will develop introductory skills needed to manage traditional engineering projects, along with tools [...]

Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is for anyone passionate in learning how to develop FPGA-accelerated applications with SDAccel! We are entering in an era in which technology progress induces paradigm shifts in computing! As a tradeoff between the two extreme characteristics of GPP and ASIC, we can find a new concept, a [...]

Desarrollo del lado servidor: NodeJS, Express y MongoDB (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Desarrollo del lado servidor: NodeJS, Express y MongoDB (Coursera)
Course Auditing
En este curso trabajarás del lado servidor, en el backend, desarrollando el soporte que toda aplicación necesita para lidiar con la persistencia de la información, el setup de un servidor web, la creación de una API REST, autenticación y autorización, y la integración de librerías de terceros. Utilizarás Express [...]

Last submitted or updated MOOCs and Free Online Courses

Becoming Part of the Globalised Workplace (Coursera)

The final course aims to build learners’ confidence and adaptability when communicating in cross-cultural environments as they assume leadership responsibility to communicate influence in persuasive workplace contexts. The course focuses on enhancing learners’ professional persona for skilful engagement and intercultural communication with stakeholders within and beyond the organization, including [...]

Beer Quality Systems (Coursera)

Ultimately, the difference between success and failure as a brewer is whether you consistently deliver a quality beer. Designed for brewers of all skill levels, this course is part of a comprehensive series where brewing legend Charlie Bamforth, Ph.D. guides you through the key markers of beer quality: flavor, [...]

Beer Quality: Color & Clarity (Coursera)

Welcome to Beer Quality: Color and Clarity led by distinguished professor Charles Bamforth, Ph.D. In this course, you will learn about beer color and how it impacts a consumer's perception of beer. Also discussed are the scientific factors affecting beer color and clarity. The methods of measuring and altering [...]

Beer Quality: Flavor (Coursera)

In this second course of the Beer Quality Series, you will learn about factors influencing the perception of flavor and the molecules that influence flavor. We also review methods of evaluating and measuring flavor, as well as methods of modifying flavor.

Beer Quality: Foam (Coursera)

As it is one of the most distinctive qualities of beer, achieving the perfect foam is a precise art. In this course, you’ll learn how foam affects the quality of beer. Designed for brewers of all skill levels, this online course is part of a comprehensive series where "The [...]