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Introduction à la programmation orientée objet (en Java) (Coursera)

Ce cours introduit la programmation orientée objet (encapsulation, abstration, héritage, polymorphisme) en l'illustrant en langage Java. Il présuppose connues les bases de la programmation (variables, types, boucles, fonctions, ...). Il est conçu comme la suite du cours « Initiation à la programmation (en Java) [...]

Java for Android (Coursera)

This MOOC teaches you how to program core features and classes from the Java programming language that are used in Android, which is the dominant platform for developing and deploying mobile device apps. In particular, this MOOC covers key Java programming language features that control the flow of [...]

Visual Basic Programming: Inheritance and Polymorphism (Coursera)

This course is the third course in a series that aims to prepare you for a role working as a programmer. In this course, you will be introduced to the four main concepts in programming: Advanced String Operations and Dates, Modeling Classes, Development of Classes and Collections. Labs [...]

Interagir com sistemas operativos (Coursera)

Neste curso, através de uma combinação de palestras em vídeo, demonstrações e experiências práticas, vai adquirir conhecimentos acerca dos componentes principais de um sistema operativo e como realizar tarefas críticas, como gerir software e utilizadores e configurar hardware. Vamos terminar com um exemplo de como este conteúdo pode surgir [...]

Fundamentals of Materials Science (Coursera)

Materials are the physical foundations for the development of science and technology. The human civilizations are historically designated by the evolution of materials, such as the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Nowadays, materials science and technology support most of the industrial sectors, including aerospace, telecommunications, [...]

Object-Oriented Hierarchies in Java (Coursera)

Sep 30th 2024
Object-Oriented Hierarchies in Java (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Object-Oriented Hierarchies in Java is the third of a series of courses in the Core Java Specialization. The Core Java Specialization is part of a series of programming specializations, derived from LearnQuest's private Java Bootcamps, designed to provide the skill set necessary to be hired as an IT developer [...]

3D Interaction Design in Virtual Reality (Coursera)

This course will teach you about one of the most important aspects of VR, how you interact with a VR world. Virtual Reality is completely different from an on screen app or game. You are completely immersed in a VR world, so it doesn't make sense to interact only [...]

Cyber-Physical Systems: Modeling and Simulation (Coursera)

Cyber-physical systems (CPS for short) combine digital and analog devices, interfaces, networks, computer systems, and the like, with the natural and man-made physical world. The inherent interconnected and heterogeneous combination of behaviors in these systems makes their analysis and design a challenging task. [...]