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Case studies in business analytics with ACCENTURE (Coursera)

This course is RESTRICTED TO LEARNERS ENROLLED IN Strategic Business Analytics SPECIALIZATION as a preparation to the capstone project. During the first two MOOCs, we focused on specific techniques for specific applications. Instead, with this third MOOC, we provide you with different examples to open your mind to different [...]

The Olympic Games and the Media (Coursera)

This course gives you a complete insight into the communication and managerial techniques put into practice in the creation of the most important sporting mega event in the world. You will learn about the essentials of television production, programming strategies and television rights management of the Olympic Games. At [...]

The Role of the Media (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
The Role of the Media (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The Role of Media is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of the news, journalism and how to effectively deal with the press.

Pilares de Marketing Digital (Coursera)

El Marketing Digital ha revolucionado la forma de hacer negocios, y ninguna corporación, empresa, emprendedor o profesional puede desconocer su importancia vital para lograr el éxito. Este curso proporciona al alumno el dominio de los criterios estratégicos, técnicas y herramientas propias de la [...]

Understanding the Music Business: What is Music Worth? (Coursera)

This course will examine the music industry in the United States, with the unique perspective gained by Vanderbilt University’s location in Nashville, TN. Nashville is a major center of music in the United States, and the music created here has a global reach, particularly in the country, rock, pop, [...]

Niños y Adolescentes en la cultura audiovisual y digital (Coursera)

Le damos la más cordial bienvenida al MOOC “Niños y Adolescentes en la cultura audiovisual y digital”, desarrollado por la Facultad de Comunicaciones de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Este curso está enfocado en mostrar el rol que tienen los medios de comunicación y las tecnologías frente a los [...]

Games, Sensors and Media (Coursera)

You will learn to make fluid digital interactive experiences that are suitable for gaming and use the advanced sensor hardware built into the iPhone and iPad. This includes drawing 2D graphics, playing sounds and music, integrating with Game Center, the iOS physics engine and detecting device orientation and [...]

Internet Giants: The Law and Economics of Media Platforms (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Internet Giants: The Law and Economics of Media Platforms (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This seven-week course will explore the relationship between law and technology with a strong focus on the law of the United States with some comparisons to laws around the world, especially in Europe. Tech progress is an important source of economic growth and raises broader questions about the human [...]

История и теория медиа (History and theory of media) (Coursera)

Знакомит с теоретическим наследием в области медиа, обучает основным подходам к теоретическому анализу медиа и прослеживает логику развития медиасистем в современных обществах.

Communication theory: bridging academia and practice (Coursera)

This course is about communication on various levels. Over these 9 weeks we will cover a number of theories, cases and applications in the field of communication science. We will start with the foundational concepts of communication theory, defining what the theory is and going through a number of [...]