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Grabación y postproducción musical dentro y fuera del estudio (Coursera)

En este curso aprenderás a elaborar una producción musical con Ardour. Vamos a trabajar la preproducción, grabación y postproducción de un proyecto musical. Al término, podrás discernir cuándo es que tu arreglo musical está listo para grabación, cómo escoger los micrófonos y posicionamientos adecuados para los mismos, [...]

Recording in Journals & Posting in Ledgers (Coursera)

Sep 23rd 2024
Recording in Journals & Posting in Ledgers (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course covers the basic procedures involved in recording financial entries in Journals and Ledgers. Upon completing this course, you will be able to analyze and record various business transactions. You will also learn about the accounting cycle, posting transactions, accrual accounting, and cash accounting. You will also have [...]

The Technology of Music Production (Coursera)

Learn about the music production process—including recording, editing, and mixing—and the tools available to you to create contemporary music on your computer. With the recent introduction of high-quality-low-cost software and hardware, the tools of music production are now available to the masses. Albums are made in bedrooms as well [...]

Introducción a la Producción Audiovisual (Coursera)

En este curso revisaremos el lenguaje y herramientas básicas, así como las diferentes etapas del proceso de producción, para crear un proyecto audiovisual.

A tecnologia da produção musical (Coursera)

Aprenda sobre o processo de produção musical (inclusive sobre gravação, edição e mixagem) e conheça as ferramentas disponíveis para criação de música contemporânea no computador.

Understanding the Music Business: What is Music Worth? (Coursera)

This course will examine the music industry in the United States, with the unique perspective gained by Vanderbilt University’s location in Nashville, TN. Nashville is a major center of music in the United States, and the music created here has a global reach, particularly in the country, rock, pop, [...]

Introducción a la producción de música (Coursera)

Aprende sobre el proceso de producción de música -incluyendo la grabación, la edición y la mezcla- y sobre las herramientas disponibles para crear música contemporánea en tu computadora.

Pro Tools Basics (Coursera)

Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into the DAW in a creative and uninhibited way. Whether you have used a computer to create music before, or you have [...]

Songwriting: Writing the Lyrics (Coursera)

There’s a songwriter lurking somewhere inside you, peeking around corners, wondering if it’s safe to come out. Now it is. This course is an invitation to let your inner songwriter step into the sunlight. All it takes is a simple “yes” and you’ll be climbing that windy hill, marveling [...]

Today’s Music Industry (Coursera)

This course provides an engaging and methodical insight into the past and present cultural and commercial music industry developments, directions, and trends. It will equip the students with the knowledge and skills necessary to appreciate, understand and more productively participate in today’s music industry [...]