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Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials (Coursera)

Clinical trials are experiments designed to evaluate new interventions to prevent or treat disease in humans. The interventions evaluated can be drugs, devices (e.g., hearing aid), surgeries, behavioral interventions (e.g., smoking cessation program), community health programs (e.g. cancer screening programs) or health delivery systems (e.g., special care units for [...]

Public Involvement in Research (Coursera)

May 8th 2024
Public Involvement in Research (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course focuses on participatory approaches in research, known as 'public involvement' in the UK. You'll specifically, consider why citizens and patients would be involved in research and explore participatory approaches across and within the research cycle in more detail, diving into questions such as: What kinds of participation [...]

Responsible Conduct of Research (Coursera)

As a PhD student in academia, there are difficulties you may encounter in the area of integrity, such as power relations and issues around social safety, authorship, intellectual property, and ensuring academic quality. How can you properly determine the order of authorship? In what way can social safety be [...]

Community Engagement in Research and Population Health (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Community Engagement in Research and Population Health (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to the Community Engagement in Population Health course! As you will learn, the health system is in the midst of a critical transition. The current system is not sustainable with escalating costs, mediocre health outcomes, and unacceptable disparities. This course will first discuss the current [...]

Precision Medicine (Coursera)

This course will provide you with the key knowledge and tools to understand the fundamentals and practical implications of precision medicine, its opportunities and challenges. It will address precision-medicine era diagnostics, treatment selection, genetic counseling, public health interventions, and biomedical research. It will also deal with data science and [...]

Frozen in the Ice: Exploring the Arctic (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Frozen in the Ice: Exploring the Arctic (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Why would hundreds of scientists from around the world intentionally freeze a ship in Arctic sea ice for an entire year, braving subzero temperatures and months of polar darkness? This may sound like a fictional adventure movie plot, but from September 2019 through October 2020, the MOSAiC (Multidisciplinary drifting [...]

Research for Impact (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn more about the Research for Impact approach - a set of principles and practices that will help you to make your research more impactful. Traditionally, the goals and outcomes of research projects were to contribute knowledge and communicate this knowledge through academic publications [...]

Media ethics & governance (Coursera)

This course explores some of the basic theories, models and concepts in the field of media ethics. We will introduce influential ethical theories and perspectives, explore changing societal demands and expectations of media creation and media use, and we will elaborate on existing ethical norms for media professionals. After [...]

Research kitchen (Coursera)

The research kitchen is a unique format that we have developed extra for you: curious learners interested in competitive strategy and organization design yearning for a first glimpse into the world of research. It is voluntary and "just for fun" - so please, go on and have a look! [...]

Google SEO Fundamentals (Coursera)

Gain an understanding of search engine algorithms and how they affect organic search results and websites. Building on this knowledge, you’ll learn the key elements for creating an effective SEO strategy, including how to select keywords and perform keyword research; consumer psychology and search behavior; and how to conduct [...]