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Stepping Up: Leading Others (Coursera)

In this course, you will look at how to work with a diverse range of people to create and lead a high performing team. You will consider the differences between work groups and teams and explore team dynamics, the nature of remote teams and cross-cultural implications of leading teams. [...]

Liderazgo y comportamiento organizacional (Coursera)

El liderazgo está en todas partes. Está implicado en casi cada acción social. Muchas personas que tienen el potencial de ser líderes no se dan cuenta, necesitan desarrollar su potencial de liderazgo personal y organizacional. Muchos que se convierten en líderes no saben cómo manejar esas [...]

Leadership and organizational behavior (Coursera)

Leadership is everywhere. It is involved in nearly every social action, in some form. Many people who have the potential to be leaders do not realize it. Many who become leaders do not know how to manage those responsibilities. Great leaders can inspire change; bad leaders can cripple their [...]

La gestión de personas y equipos (Coursera)

En una ocurrente frase, Peter Drucker, pionero en el campo de la gestión empresarial, afirmó en una ocasión que las personas tienen una tendencia perversa a comportarse como seres humanos. Con ello quería señalar algo que es evidente: que las personas no somos máquinas y, por ello, no [...]

Leadership and Influence (Coursera)

The only thing you get to change is yourself, and in the prerequisites to this course we’ve given you real tools to do that. Now, use those tools to influence the course of your future, your team's future, and your organization's future. Make a plan for yourself that will [...]

Self Awareness and the Effective Leader (Coursera)

Part of being an effective leader is learning how to play to your strengths and overcome characteristics that don't lend to good leadership practices. During the course, you will examine your own strengths and learn ways to use them in a leadership role. Learn to manage stress and solve [...]

Leading Organizations (Coursera)

This course is the last course of the a Specialization on Leadership called “Inspirational Leadership: Leading with Sense”, so you may want to take the courses “Building Your Leadership Skills” and “Giving Sense to your Leadership Experience” prior of taking this course. In this course you’ll get the opportunity [...]

Giving Sense to Your Leadership Experience (Coursera)

With this course you will position your own leadership style and grow your resilience. In this course, second course of the "Inspirational Leadership" Specialization, you will discover the characteristics of charismatic leadership. You’ll personally learn how to embody these traits through the “Savoir-Relier” (art of connecting and leading with [...]

A Technical Leader's Qualities and Effectiveness (Coursera)

This course describes the traits of Great Leaders who combine fierce resolve with personal humility. Indeed, they might be described more as “plow horses” as opposed to “show horses”. They see themselves as servants to the team and to the organization. They “hold the line” when faced with tough [...]

Inclusive Leadership: The Power of Workplace Diversity (Coursera)

This course will equip and empower you to be a highly inclusive leader. You will learn principles, perspectives and practices that help to reap the power of workplace diversity. Workplace diversity has expanded beyond traditional demographics such as gender, race, and ethnicity. Those categories always will matter. [...]