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FPGA computing systems: A Bird’s Eye View (Coursera)

Nowadays the complexity of computing systems is skyrocketing. Programmers have to deal with extremely powerful computing systems that take time and considerable skills to be instructed to perform at their best. It is clear that it is not feasible to rely on human intervention to tune a system: conditions [...]

FPGA computing systems: Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration (Coursera)

INTRONew application domains demand ever increasing adaptability and performance. In order to cope with changing user requirements, improvements in system features, changing protocol and data-coding standards, and demands for support of a variety of different user applications, many emerging applications in communication, computing and consumer electronics demand that their [...]

Challenges of Agribusiness Management (Coursera)

The goal of this course is to understand the challenges and opportunities of agribusiness nowadays. From farms to retailers, from input providers to traders, all the diverse players of this value chain interact a complex business environment in which nature, policy, technology and management strategies have to be considered [...]

A Scientific Approach to Innovation Management (Coursera)

How can innovators understand if their idea is worth developing and pursuing? In this course, we lay out a systematic process to make strategic decisions about innovative product or services that will help entrepreneurs, managers and innovators to avoid common pitfalls. We teach students to assess the feasibility of [...]

Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Developing FPGA-accelerated cloud applications with SDAccel: Theory (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is for anyone passionate in learning how to develop FPGA-accelerated applications with SDAccel! We are entering in an era in which technology progress induces paradigm shifts in computing! As a tradeoff between the two extreme characteristics of GPP and ASIC, we can find a new concept, a [...]

At the Origins of the Mediterranean Civilization: Archaeology of the City from the Levant to the West - 3rd-1st millennium BC (Coursera)

Which are the deepest roots of that mix of cultures that we use to call ‘Mediterranean Civilization’? Which are comminglings and exchanges which produced its most complete fruit, i.e. the city, a place for landscape-modelling communities? And which elements did contribute to build up that baulk of customs, ideas, [...]

Management of Fashion and Luxury Companies (Coursera)

Learn how fashion and luxury companies work and understand their brands, products, retail, and communication strategies. Travel through business models, international development, and product categories with industry influent experts. Adopting a case-study approach, the course presents strategic brand management in luxury and fashion companies as a balancing act: tradition [...]

Food & Beverage Management (Coursera)

Managing a company in the food and beverage industry is a fascinating task. The objective of this course is twofold: first, we will focus on contemporary challenges that managers and entrepreneurs in food and beverage businesses should be able to face; and second, we will provide models and tools [...]

International Leadership and Organizational Behavior (Coursera)

Leaders in business and non-profit organizations increasingly work across national boarders and in multi-cultural environments. You may work regularly with customers or suppliers abroad, or be part of a globally dispersed cross-functional team, or an expatriate manager on an international assignment. You may be a member of a global [...]

Recovering the Humankind's Past and Saving the Universal Heritage (Coursera)

Archaeology has as its objective the recovery and revival of humankind past, and as its aim the rescue and preservation of cultural heritage. Archaeology is, among human sciences, the discipline with the strongest importance for the rediscovery, but also for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage, as Humankind’s [...]