University of Virginia

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Strategic Planning and Execution (Coursera)

Avoid the pitfalls of strategy planning and execution with the tools and skills from this course. You'll learn the pillars of strategy execution--analysis, formulation, and implementation--and how to use the 4A model to effectively approach strategy execution. Finally, a panel of leaders from entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and industry, share their [...]

Business Growth Strategy (Coursera)

Get the tools you need to analyze, evaluate and recommend specific actions organizations can take to grow their value and avoid common growth pitfalls. In this course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and taught by top-ranked faculty, you will learn to determine [...]

Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management (Coursera)

Projects are all around us. Virtually every organization runs projects, either formally or informally. We are engaged in projects at home and at work. Across settings, planning principles and execution methodologies can offer ways in which projects can be run more effectively and efficiently. Project management provides organizations (and [...]

Foundations of Business Strategy (Coursera)

Develop your ability to think strategically, analyze the competitive environment, and recommend firm positioning and value creation. In this course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, top-ranked faculty will help you explore the underlying theory and frameworks that provide the foundations of a [...]

Design Thinking: Discovery Tools (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Design Thinking: Discovery Tools (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome Designers! In this course, you will learn to use the most important tools from the field of human-centered design to generate ideas: stakeholder mapping, journey mapping, personas, value-chain analysis, the job-to-be-done, ethnographic interviews, and more. Learn to connect with your customers on a human level, to get beyond [...]

Design Thinking: Ideas to Action (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Design Thinking: Ideas to Action (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome, designers! In this course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, you will carry on the design thinking process begun in our Insights to Inspiration course, beginning with the eighth step in our 14-Step process, bringing the ideas you developed in our Insights [...]

Design Thinking: Insights to Inspiration (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Design Thinking: Insights to Inspiration (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome Designers! In this course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, we will introduce you to the design thinking process. It is a project-based course in which you will identify a human-centered problem that you want to solve. We will focus our attention [...]

Les bases de la stratégie d’entreprise (Coursera)

Développez vos capacités à réfléchir de manière stratégique, à analyser l’environnement concurrentiel et à recommander un positionnement ferme et la création de valeur. Ce cours a été élaboré par la Darden School of Business de l’Université de Virginia. Des professeurs de renom vous aideront à explorer la théorie sous-jacente [...]

L'analyse marketing (Coursera)

Les organisations, quelle que soit leur taille, sont inondées de données sur les choix des consommateurs. Mais cette abondance d'informations ne se traduit pas toujours en de meilleures décisions. Savoir interpréter les données est le défi à relever, et il est de plus en plus attendu que les professionnels [...]

Mercadeo analítico (Coursera)

Las organizaciones grandes y pequeñas están inundadas de datos sobre las elecciones de los consumidores. Pero esa riqueza de información no siempre se traduce en mejores decisiones. Saber cómo interpretar los datos es el desafío, y se espera que los mercadólogos en particular usen cada vez más la analítica [...]