Strategic Marketing

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Machine Learning for Marketers (Coursera)

"Machine Learning for Marketers" is an advanced course tailored for professionals looking to integrate machine learning into their marketing strategies. This course uniquely focuses on both predictive analytics and decision-making, using supervised learning methods to analyze and forecast customer behavior. Participants will learn to implement advanced machine learning techniques, [...]

Time, Change, and Decisions for Marketing (Coursera)

"Time, Change, and Decisions for Marketing" shows how advanced analytics can be used to adapt and optimize marketing strategies in response to evolving market conditions. Unique to this course is the integration of advanced analytics into strategic marketing decision-making, equipping learners with the skills and knowledge to lead [...]

Marketing Estratégico (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Marketing Estratégico. Neste curso, você terá as principais noções sobre como conduzir o Marketing de uma organização de modo estratégico. A abordagem escolhida é aquela que enxerga as atividades mercadológicas como instrumentos fundamentais para a obtenção de vantagem competitiva e melhores relações com os [...]

Pesquisa de Mercado e a Gestão Estratégica de Marketing (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Pesquisa de Mercado e a Gestão Estratégica de Marketing. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre o papel dos dados e informações para decisões de marketing. Serão explorados pontos como sistema de inteligência de marketing, o uso de dados e informações para segmentação, testes de hipóteses, experimentação [...]

Strategic Self-Marketing and Personal Branding (Coursera)

In this course, you will engage in developing and strengthening the emotional component of your career brand. Acting as “your own Chief Executive Officer” (P. Drucker), you will learn how to use strategic marketing models and techniques for enhancing your personal image. Acting as "your own Chief Executive Officer" [...]

Mercadeo analítico (Coursera)

Las organizaciones grandes y pequeñas están inundadas de datos sobre las elecciones de los consumidores. Pero esa riqueza de información no siempre se traduce en mejores decisiones. Saber cómo interpretar los datos es el desafío, y se espera que los mercadólogos en particular usen cada vez más la analítica [...]

Managing Marketing in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry (edX)

Learn the latest principles and theories in marketing and how to apply them to the hospitality and tourism industry. Marketing within the hotel and tourism industry presents unique challenges, as marketers are tasked with selling services and memories rather than goods. In this hospitality management course, you will learn [...]

Strategic Marketing: Marketing Orientation and the Marketing Planning Process (FutureLearn)

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Strategic Marketing: Marketing Orientation and the Marketing Planning Process (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Study the difference between marketing planning, strategy and tactics, and how to implement key strategic marketing frameworks. Explore how to develop marketing goals and tactical marketing objectives On this course, you’ll be taught what marketing strategy is and have the chance to build your professional skills in marketing strategy, [...]

Strategic Marketing: Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (FutureLearn)

Learn about the concepts of segmentation, targeting, and positioning, and discover why they’re crucial to any marketing strategy. Boost your success with strategic marketing strategies. Segmentation, targeting, and positioning are crucial concepts in strategic marketing for every marketer. Find out how these actions can help you reach and connect [...]