Digital Communications

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Comunicação Digital e Consumidores (Coursera)

Nossas boas-vindas ao Curso Comunicação Digital e Consumidores. Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre dois pontos centrais do Marketing Digital: a comunicação e os consumidores. Ao final deste curso, você será capaz de preparar um plano de comunicação digital para obter os resultados esperados.

Digital Communication and Emotion (Coursera)

Communication online can be hard, especially when emotions get involved. Whether you’re facing someone’s sarcastic joke or a heated discussion, digital communication requires finesse. Even in normal situations, this communication can benefit from specific skills that let you get your message across clearly on any medium. However, you may [...]

Digital Signal Processing 4: Applications (Coursera)

Digital Signal Processing is the branch of engineering that, in the space of just a few decades, has enabled unprecedented levels of interpersonal communication and of on-demand entertainment. By reworking the principles of electronics, telecommunication and computer science into a unifying paradigm, DSP is a the heart of the [...]

Communicating Trustworthy Information in the Digital World (Coursera)

This course consists of seven modules focused on how to more effectively communicate trustworthy information in the digital world. After a short introduction video, starting in module 1 you will be exploring the effects of the digital ecosystem on science communication and the implications on social trust. We will [...]

Effective Communication for Remote Leadership (edX)

Remote leadership is now a universal concept across business and industries globally. The COVID pandemic has brought the need for distance leadership to the forefront. While virtual leadership is full of opportunities, it has also thrown many challenges as teams are getting geographically dispersed. In this changing environment, the [...]

Introducción a las radiocomunicaciones (edX)

En este curso en línea de radiocomunicaciones setratan aspectos tan interesantes como la propagación de ondas electromagnéticas, las modulaciones analógicas y digitales, la encriptación y compresión de datos y el uso de antenas en comunicaciones.

Digital Marketing and Data Driven Analytics (edX)

Digital Marketing is the backbone element which uses platforms and digital technologies, such as any kind of device to maintain connected to the users. Once the users are part of this ecosystem, the companies convert this random data in accurate algorithms to improve the effectiveness of any marketing [...]

Transformación Digital para Comunicadores (edX)

Este curso ofrece una comprensión del nuevo escenario digital en el que nos encontramos y del impacto que tiene la transformación digital; también propone una aproximación al uso de herramientas y tecnologías emergentes para adquirir competencias en ámbitos como la creatividad, la innovación y la disrupción digital en el [...]

Strategic Communication to Counter Security Threats in the Disinformation Era (URJC)

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Strategic Communication to Counter Security Threats in the Disinformation Era (URJC)
Course Auditing
The culture of communications is changing at a rapid pace, driven by the power of internet and social networks. The digital communication environment, with its remarkable advantages and opportunities, also provides opportunities to different actors for conducting malicious influencing activities, divide societies, erode the democratic values and sow distrust [...]

Sichere Email (openHPI)

E-Mail ist eines der wichtigsten Kommunikationsmittel unserer Zeit. Dennoch lässt die Technologie hinsichtlich Sicherheit deutlich zu wünschen übrig. Als E-Mail-Nutzer kann man sich weder sicher sein, dass niemand die Nachrichten mitliest, noch dass diese auch unverändert beim Empfänger ankommen. Um geeignete Sicherheitsmaßnahmen - die sogenannte Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung sowie digitale Signaturen [...]