Conflict Management

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Gestire il conflitto (POK)

Come riconoscere un conflitto? Come gestirlo al meglio? Che ruolo ha la tua personalità? In questo corso potrai trovare alcune risposte a questi interrogativi. How can we recognize a conflict? How can we manage it the best possible way? What is the role of your personality? In this course [...]

Project Management beyond planning and control (POK)

Learn how to manage projects matching the technical and the organizational dimensions of projects. Project Management is a fundamental theme to understand and work in any business environments. Projects are the organizational way to make innovation happen and to realize any kind of custom solution or to change how [...]

Leading High-Performing Teams (edX)

Learn how to motivate, engage and empower people to build effective and high performing teams. This course will blend business theory and real-world insights to teach you the skills you need to better lead people and teams within your organization. Key topics will include motivation, communication, conflict management, team [...]

Conflict and stress management (Coursera)

This course contains theoretical and practical materials on organisational culture, business communication, the main characteristics and reasons of conflicts in organisations, exit strategies and stress management. The course aims at shaping the complex knowledge on the theory and methodology of organisational conflict management and stress management, forming practical skills [...]

Managing conflict and polarization in the workplace and beyond (edX)

We all form groups. Sometimes they help us, other times they stimulate harmful or even violent polarization. Using expertise from business, behavioral science, and politics, we explore these ‘groupish’ instincts, while providing skills to bridge divides.

Leadership Foundations (edX)

This course will help lay the foundations of a fruitful leadership journey. It will help develop the thought process and sharpen the essential skills to rise in the corporate ladder. The learning will culminate in drawing up an Individual Development Plan for success as a Leader.

Conflict Resolution (edX)

It is no secret that conflict is a part of life and definitely a part of day-to-day business. Conflicts arise due to differences in personality or values. Conflict can be healthy. It is a perfectly normal and natural phenomenon of the human condition. Avoiding conflict can be termed as [...]

Managing Conflicts on Projects with Cultural and Emotional Intelligence (edX)

Great program managers understand and heal bad communication habits and conflicts that arise within project teams and stakeholders. Learn how by leveraging emotional and cultural intelligence using the Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM). Every program and project has a social world. The program managers, project managers, project teams, and [...]

Diálogo Intercultural para la Gestión de Conflictos Territoriales (edX)

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Diálogo Intercultural para la Gestión de Conflictos Territoriales (edX)
Course Auditing
Este MOOC les brinda a sus participantes elementos conceptuales y prácticos para la gestión de conflictos territoriales a través del diálogo intercultural. ¿Alguna vez ha vivido un conflicto intercultural?, ¿Le gustaría aportar a la transformación social de los conflictos en su territorio? ¡El diálogo intercultural es la [...]