Business Leadership

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Agile Project Management (Coursera)

May 11th 2024
Agile Project Management (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the fifth course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will explore the history, approach, and philosophy of Agile project management, including the Scrum framework. You will learn how to differentiate and blend Agile and other project management approaches. As you progress through the course, [...]

Diversité et inclusion sur le lieu de travail (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Diversité et inclusion sur le lieu de travail (Coursera)
Course Auditing
La diversité est une réalité indéniable dans le monde d'aujourd'hui. Les mouvements de femmes, le militantisme pour les droits civiques, Black Lives Matter, la mondialisation et bien d'autres encore ont tous contribué à attirer l'attention sur l'importance de la diversité et de l'inclusion. Les questions de diversité [...]

Fundamentos del Liderazgo con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Fundamentos del Liderazgo con Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women (Coursera)
Free Course
Este curso gratuito en línea es uno de los 10 cursos disponibles en la colección Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women, diseñado para emprendedoras listas para llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel. En este curso, comprenderás el liderazgo y su papel en el crecimiento empresarial. Aprenderás más sobre estilos de liderazgo [...]

Fundamentos de Liderança com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Fundamentos de Liderança com o 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs (Coursera)
Free Course
Este curso online gratuito é um dos 10 cursos disponíveis na coleção 10,000 Women da Goldman Sachs, projetado para empreendedoras prontas para levar seus negócios para o próximo nível. Neste curso, você estudará sobre liderança e sua função no crescimento dos negócios. Você aprenderá sobre estilos de liderança e [...]

Modalidades organizacionales ágiles en base a la Metodología Scrum (Coursera)

En un mundo de fuerte competitividad global, como el que atravesamos hoy en día, con entornos tan complejos y cambiantes, de alta incertidumbre y volatilidad, con fuertes exigencias en adaptabilidad de sectores y mercados; los modelos de negocios predictivos tradicionalmente aplicados en el mundo empresarial con foco de expertise [...]

The Construction Industry: The Way Forward (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
The Construction Industry: The Way Forward (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course provides an introduction on types of the construction projects as well as the main concern of the productivity challenge in the construction industry. Through case studies, you will learn the industry characteristics and its unique environment that led to such productivity performance as well as touch base [...]

Designing and Implementing Your Coaching Strategy (Coursera)

In order to be an effective manager in increasingly fast-paced and complex organizational environments, coaching skills to develop and get the best work out of employees has become essential. Throughout the Coaching Skills for Managers specialization, we’ve discussed many topics for improving coaching conversations with our employees. It is [...]

Agile Leader Training (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn the neuroscience of change, why we are so change-averse, how to train for change resilience, and most importantly, you will begin developing a practice to help you be prepared for changes in personal life and in your career. You will learn specific strategies [...]

Personal Leadership Development Planning and Leading High Performing Teams (Coursera)

An actionable leadership improvement plan enables you to leverage strengths and close the gaps on weaknesses. In this course, you will build your own plan that you can put into practice immediately and realize goals within the next two years. It lays the foundation for an evergreen process of [...]