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Farm to Fork: Sustainable Food Production in a Changing Environment (FutureLearn)

Understand how food goes from farm to fork: explore food security, supply chains, food production and agriculture. Discover food supply chains from farm to fork. How does food reach our plates? How is the food industry changing? What threats are there to food supply chains? How can we build [...]

Feeding a Hungry Planet: Agriculture, Nutrition and Sustainability (edX)

How do we create a healthy and sustainable diet for the growing world population? Agriculture is more than waving fields of wheat; our ability to grow food from existing natural resources – and without decimating those resources – is key to sustainably feeding the world. In this course, learn [...]

Strong sustainability and Europe (FUN)

Sustainable development, popularized by the Brundtland Report, was defined at the end of the 1980s in three spheres (economic, environmental and social). It is this representation that continues today to be disseminated to the public and to large companies. The objective of this MOOC is to question the major [...]

Agriculture, Economics and Nature (FutureLearn)

Discover agricultural economics and learn how to use economics for better decision making and efficiency in agriculture. Make more informed agricultural decisions as a farmer or policymaker. Economic thinking is vital in agriculture, as a farmer’s livelihood depends on the outcomes of their decisions. Governments also require economic information [...]

Mooc Bio : Comprendre et questionner l’Agriculture Biologique (FUN)

Vous vous posez des questions sur l’agriculture biologique ? Vous êtes au bon endroit ! En effet, cette première session du MOOC BIO s’adresse à tous ! Que vous soyez consommateurs, agriculteurs, élus, étudiants…, nous tenterons ici de vous apporter des éléments vous permettant de répondre à vos questions [...]

Les techniques d'irrigation (FUN)

Vous vous intéressez à l‘irrigation ? Vous souhaitez comprendre ses enjeux, ses techniques ? Dans ce cours, trois professeurs vous présentent les concepts de base de l’irrigation à travers des vidéos et des exercices. Régulièrement, des interviews d’acteurs de terrain permettront de remettre ces concepts dans un cadre [...]

A Nutritional Approach to Agriculture and Food Security (FutureLearn)

Jan 10th 2022
A Nutritional Approach to Agriculture and Food Security (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Develop skills to apply and evaluate innovative solutions that place nutrition at the heart of a sustainable food system. Modern agriculture and global food systems have become very complex and do not always provide people with affordable and nutritious food. This course presents current research, which aims to place [...]

Revolucionar la cadena alimentaria mediante la tecnología (FutureLearn)

Explore cómo la tecnología y la digitalización pueden modificar el funcionamiento del sistema alimentario. Descubra cómo la tecnología podría revolucionar el sector alimentario. La calidad y la seguridad de los alimentos se ven cada vez más amenazadas, dado que los recursos naturales se están viendo desbordados por el cambio [...]

Entrepreneuriat Agricole en Milieu Tropical (REAMOOC)

Ce Mooc est préparé à l'intention des étudiants et de toute autre personne intéressée par la formation en Entrepreunariat agricole en Milieu tropical. Les universités africaines, dans le cadre du développement des activités agricoles en Afrique, sont interpelées non seulement au niveau de la recherche agricole mais désormais aussi [...]

Agriculture Supply Chain Finance (edX)

Self Paced
Agriculture Supply Chain Finance (edX)
Course Auditing
Understanding the concept and scope of supply chain, learning various activities/stages involved in agriculture supply chain management to meet the financial needs of different stake holders.