Social Networks

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Social and Economic Networks: Models and Analysis (Coursera)

Learn how to model social and economic networks and their impact on human behavior. How do networks form, why do they exhibit certain patterns, and how does their structure impact diffusion, learning, and other behaviors? We will bring together models and techniques from economics, sociology, math, physics, statistics and [...]

Estrategias de Redes Sociales (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Estrategias de Redes Sociales (Coursera)
Course Auditing
En este curso, podrás adquirir los conocimientos y criterios iniciales para crear los objetivos, estrategias y tácticas para las redes sociales de tu plan de marketing digital. Conocerás en detalle los códigos y técnicas de Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y LinkedIn; incluyendo estrategias de contenido, anuncios y [...]

Beneficios y características de las redes sociales más significativas (Coursera)

En este curso se explicarán los aspectos más generales del ámbito de las redes sociales con el objetivo de que el participante distinga, clasifique e identifique las cualidades particulares de la evolución de las redes sociales, su aplicación general en el ámbito de negocios y comercial, así como reconocer [...]

Introducción a las redes sociales. Sus objetivos y métricas. (Coursera)

En este programa se hará, de manera holística, una revisión del uso e implementación de redes sociales. Se provee de un conocimiento sólido en el desarrollo de estrategias requeridas en una organización para involucrar a los consumidores y miembros de la misma en un ambiente de social listening.

Systems Science and Obesity (Coursera)

Systems science has been instrumental in breaking new scientific ground in diverse fields such as meteorology, engineering and decision analysis. However, it is just beginning to impact public health. This seminar is designed to introduce students to basic tools of theory building and data analysis in systems science and [...]

Reputation Management in a Digital World (edX)

Learn how to develop, manage and protect a company’s online reputation through social media including Facebook and Twitter. In this course, you’ll take on the role of a communications manager for a fictional organisation, making key decisions that will affect its online reputation.

Preparing to Network in English (edX)

Learn the basics of networking while you grow your social network and professional connections. Practice speaking to improve your English language skills for increased success in job hunting. Networking in the business world is key to career success. Research shows that many jobs are never officially advertised. Many companies [...]

Career Networking: Build a Social Media Presence (edX)

Learn to use social media platforms and social networks to build and advance your professional online presence and career goals. Develop strategies to connect with your target audience while posting content that increases your industry knowledge and network.

Facebook Ads: Cómo utilizar el poder de la publicidad en Facebook (edX)

Aprende a crear campañas publicitarias exitosas. Accede a tutoriales paso a paso de Audience Insights, Pixel de Facebook, A/B Testing y más. Aprende a atraer personas, conquistarlas y convertirlas en clientes de tu negocio. En este curso te enseñamos cómo crear exitosas campañas publicitarias desde cero. Aprenderás todo el [...]

Networks Illustrated: Principles without Calculus (Coursera)

What makes WiFi faster at home than at a coffee shop? How does Google order its search results from the trillions of webpages on the Internet? Why does Verizon charge $15 for every GB of data we use? Is it really true that we are connected in six social [...]