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Managing the Organization (Coursera)

This course is intended to help you become a better manager by helping you to more fully understand and deal with some of the complexities and challenges associated with managerial life in organizations. In this course, you will learn theories, principles, and frameworks that will help you to [...]

Fundamentals of Organization (Coursera)

Organization is a fundamental theme to understand the real functioning of each company or, more in general, of any institution, and it is part of the basic know-how of each manager. Organization design implies decisions on how work is subdivided and how coordination between the various activities and people [...]

Six Sigma and the Organization (Advanced) (Coursera)

This course is for you if you are looking to dive deeper into Six Sigma or strengthen and expand your knowledge of the basic components of green belt level of Six Sigma and Lean. Six Sigma skills are widely sought by employers both nationally and internationally. These skills have [...]

Aspectos fundamentales de la gerencia (Coursera)

¿Está a punto de entrar en el mercado laboral? ¿Es un profesional nuevo? ¿Es nuevo en su cargo dentro de la organización? Todos los posibles empleados nuevos necesitan conocer los principios, las funciones y las responsabilidades asociados a la gerencia, independientemente del cargo que ocupen. Ahora puede adquirir amplios [...]

Gestión de organizaciones efectivas (Coursera)

Los factores que determinan el éxito de una organización cambian en el tiempo. Para muchas organizaciones estos cambios significan una oportunidad y para otras significan su fin por no poder adaptarse.

Fundamentals of Management (Coursera)

Are you about to enter the workforce? Are you an emerging professional? Are you new to your role in the organization? All prospective new employees benefit from understanding management principles, roles and responsibilities, regardless of position. Now you can acquire an in-depth understanding of the basic concepts and [...]

Personal Productivity, Time Management and Prioritization (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Personal Productivity, Time Management and Prioritization (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The "Personal Productivity & Time Management" course offers a comprehensive guide to enhance learners' productivity and time management skills. Emphasizing the crucial role of organization, the course covers various aspects, including workspace arrangements, task management, and time prioritization, enabling learners to strike a balance between daily responsibilities and long-term [...]

Building High-Performing Teams (Coursera)

Teams are essential to the modern organization, but most never reach their potential. Co-workers miscommunicate, and groups struggle to adapt to changes in the market or their organizations. When teams lack self-awareness about these challenges, performance suffers. Based on years of team culture research and consulting experience, this course [...]

Introducción a la Estrategia (Coursera)

En este curso, conocerás la importancia de la estrategia en cualquier tipo de organización; diferenciarás los modelos conductuales que se aplican en diferentes países, quiénes son sus principales actores y los intereses que tienen en una empresa. Partirás de la planeación estratégica para materializar tu idea de negocio, a [...]

Designing the Organization (Coursera)

Organizations are complex and can be difficult to manage well. So managers need tools to help them better understand and deal with the many complexities and challenges associated with organizational life. In this course, you will learn theories, principles, and frameworks that will help you to design [...]