Food Systems

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Engaging with Controversies in the Food System (FutureLearn)

Become more confident in making informed decisions about the food you eat by exploring different food controversies. Learn how to assess the reliability of different sources of food information. Consumers have never been confronted with so much food choice. Making a decision on what food to eat is affected [...]

Food and Nutrition Security in Urbanizing Landscapes (edX)

Our landscapes are urbanizing, which has a serious impact on food and nutrition. Learn to look beyond the sectoral and administrative boundaries of your work and see how the rural and the urban connect around food. Look at your landscape from a spatial and integrated food systems perspective to [...]

A Nutritional Approach to Agriculture and Food Security (FutureLearn)

Jan 10th 2022
A Nutritional Approach to Agriculture and Food Security (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Develop skills to apply and evaluate innovative solutions that place nutrition at the heart of a sustainable food system. Modern agriculture and global food systems have become very complex and do not always provide people with affordable and nutritious food. This course presents current research, which aims to place [...]

Sustainable Global Food Systems (edX)

How do we feed 11 billion people? Discover the importance of sustainable food systems on a global scale. We are currently facing one of the biggest challenges worldwide: how to feed a growing population without exhausting global resources. This course examines food security from a food systems perspective and [...]

Revolucionar la cadena alimentaria mediante la tecnología (FutureLearn)

Explore cómo la tecnología y la digitalización pueden modificar el funcionamiento del sistema alimentario. Descubra cómo la tecnología podría revolucionar el sector alimentario. La calidad y la seguridad de los alimentos se ven cada vez más amenazadas, dado que los recursos naturales se están viendo desbordados por el cambio [...]

Sustainable Food Teach-Out (Coursera)

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Sustainable Food Teach-Out (Coursera)
Free Course
What we choose to eat matters. Did you know that a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions come from food and agricultural systems? One way each and every one of us can take to reduce our impact on the environment is to change what is on the end of [...]

Global Food Security: Addressing the Challenge (FutureLearn)

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Global Food Security: Addressing the Challenge (FutureLearn)
Free Course
How will we feed an extra two billion people by the middle of this century? In this course, we introduce the issue of food security and explore some of the different ways in which it has been described both in research and in practice and consider key concerns for the future.

Food and our Future: Sustainable Food Systems in Southeast Asia (FutureLearn)

Explore how to make food systems more sustainable and resource-smart for our environment, health and food security. How can food systems become more sustainable in the face of population growth, urbanisation, and environmental degradation? How can a food systems approach help in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? This course [...]

Retos de la Agricultura y la Alimentación en el Siglo XXI (edX)

Reflexionaremos sobre agricultura y alimentación en un planeta que tiene que alimentar a una población creciente con recursos limitados. El planeta se enfrenta al reto de alimentar a una población creciente en un escenario de limitación de recursos, mercados agroalimentarios imperfectos, crisis de alimentos, y población rural vulnerable. El [...]