Digital Technology

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Blended Learning Essentials: Digitally-Enriched Apprenticeships (FutureLearn)

Jan 24th 2022
Blended Learning Essentials: Digitally-Enriched Apprenticeships (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
A CPD course for apprenticeship providers looking to enhance their courses with digital technology for the modern workplace. Enhance apprentices’ experience with digital technology. Apprenticeships are changing. The UK Government has introduced new standards to ensure apprentices are receiving quality training. Discover how using digital technology can enrich your [...]

Informatique de base (REAMOOC)

De nos jours le numérique occupe une place centrale dans nos activités quotidiennes. Ainsi, acquérir des compétences de base pour bien se retrouver dans l’univers du numérique est devenu plus que nécessaire. Que vous soyez novice en intermédiaire en informatique, ce MOOC est fait pour vous. Vous apprendrez tout [...]

La petite culture numérique : le développement du tout-petit à l'ère numérique (FUN)

Sep 30th 2021
La petite culture numérique : le développement du tout-petit à l'ère numérique (FUN)
Free Course
Dans une démarche interdisciplinaire, le MOOC “La petite culture numérique : le développement du tout-petit à l’ère numérique” réunit de nombreux acteurs et actrices de la petite enfance (chercheur•e•s, professionnel.le.s de petite enfance, designers, acteurs et actrices politiques, etc). En cinq épisodes, ce MOOC questionne la relation du jeune [...]

Storytelling and Persuading using Data and Digital Technologies (edX)

Learn how to gain traction for your digital transformation initiatives with stories based on data that use compelling data visualizations to build a persuasive business case. Decisions made by humans are rarely made by data alone. Human decision-makers have cognitive biases, are affected by emotions, and make conceptual leaps [...]

Digital Skills: Retail (FutureLearn)

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Digital Skills: Retail (FutureLearn)
Free Course
Discover the impact digital technology is having on the retail industry and what it means for customers. Understand how digital technology is changing retail. Digital technology is transforming the world of retail. You’ll learn about the impact of this transformation, from data transforming customer experiences and operations, to the [...]

Introduction: Emerging Technologies in an Enterprise Environment (edX)

Self Paced
Introduction: Emerging Technologies in an Enterprise Environment (edX)
Course Auditing
Successfully leverage and implement emerging technologies within a business enterprise environment. Professionals operating at the intersection of IT and business face unique challenges, amplified by data proliferation and ever-evolving technology. To add business value and remain competitive, it is crucial to understand how to successfully leverage emerging technologies within [...]

Digital Wellbeing (FutureLearn)

Available now
Digital Wellbeing (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Do digital technologies affect our wellbeing? Explore the concepts of health, relationships and society in the digital age. Discover how digital technology affects our wellbeing. What is the impact of digital technology on our health, relationships and society? How do we ensure our own digital wellbeing? Explore the answers [...]

Digital Entrepreneurship (openHPI)

Self Paced
Digital Entrepreneurship (openHPI)
Free Course
What exactly does digital entrepreneurship mean and how does it differ from "classic" entrepreneurship? How does digital entrepreneurship influence the economy and society? How does effective collaboration between different stakeholders work and what role do digital ecosystems play in this? What kind of entrepreneurial mindset does digital entrepreneurship need? [...]

clean-IT: Towards Sustainable Digital Technologies (openHPI)

Digitalization is a game changer in the pursuit of a sustainable future. The latest digital technologies and applications like cloud, AI, and mobile devices enable us to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and reduce carbon emissions in many sectors. Yet computer systems themselves have an immense energy requirement for [...]

Application of Digital Health Interventions (FutureLearn)

Research on digital heath interventions in mental health. In this course, you’ll learn digital health applications on complex diseases. Based on WHO guidelines, digital health intervention is defined as a discrete functionality of digital technology that is applied to achieve health objectives. We will explore research on the development [...]