Carbon Footprint

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Applied Sustainability Engineering (Coursera)

Applied Sustainability Engineering, the second course in the "Applied Sustainability for Technical Managers" specialization discusses the techniques used by engineers and scientists to develop and assess the environmental impact of products and processes required to make those products. It begins with a discussion of different renewable energy technologies and [...]

Sustainable Business: Big Issues, Big Changes (Coursera)

This is class 3 in the MOOC specialization, Become a Sustainable Business Change Agent. This class looks at the big issues companies are fixing - climate change, water, worker satisfaction and supply chain issues. You will learn tools to help your company address these issues intelligently. The class ends [...]

Education on climate change, energy and ecological footprint (Coursera)

This course explores key concepts of climate change, such as climate, terrestrial systems, and energy. Their relationships are analyzed, and a diagnosis is proposed to promote school awareness of the short-term and long-term causes and effects of climate change. Additionally, the identification of local and global actions to mitigate [...]

The Sustainability Imperative (Coursera)

In this course, learners begin with a macro-level view of the current state of the world and touch upon topics such as climate change, plastic pollution, social inequity, and the economic systems that got us to where we are today. Learners investigate how such an economy cannot sustain itself [...]

Climate Action with SAP Sustainability Footprint Management (openSAP)

Sep 12th 2023
Climate Action with SAP Sustainability Footprint Management (openSAP)
Free Course
Join this free online course to learn about the challenges businesses face when it comes to climate action and how SAP Sustainability Footprint Management can help you tackle these challenges.

Essential Tools For The Low Carbon Economy (edX)

Investigate global climate change policies and learn the essential skills organisations need to be financially competitive in a low carbon economy. Want to be a key player in transitioning your organisation to the low carbon economy? This course is ideally suited to business managers, financial managers, business-intelligent analysts and [...]

Avoid SAP S/4HANA Project Delays with Third-Party Systems Service Virtualization (openSAP)

Nov 9th 2022
Avoid SAP S/4HANA Project Delays with Third-Party Systems Service Virtualization (openSAP)
Free Course
Join this free online course to learn how SAP-tailored service virtualization helps you optimize your SAP S/4HANA projects by avoiding delays and making them more sustainable. Dependencies caused by 3rd party systems, B2B, and EDI partners often result in delays in SAP S/4HANA transformation projects. SAP-tailored service virtualization enables [...]

How to Measure, Reduce, and Offset your Company’s Carbon Footprint (FutureLearn)

Sep 6th 2021
How to Measure, Reduce, and Offset your Company’s Carbon Footprint (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Help tackle climate change with this guide to carbon footprint measurement, offsetting, and reduction strategies for your company. Explore the different carbon footprint modelling tools No matter how many green practices you have in place, companies still produce at least some carbon in their [...]
Sep 6th 2021
Course Auditing
79.00 EUR

clean-IT: Towards Sustainable Digital Technologies (openHPI)

Digitalization is a game changer in the pursuit of a sustainable future. The latest digital technologies and applications like cloud, AI, and mobile devices enable us to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and reduce carbon emissions in many sectors. Yet computer systems themselves have an immense energy requirement for [...]

Business Success with Climate Action (openSAP)

Self Paced
Business Success with Climate Action (openSAP)
Free Course
Join this free online course to learn about SAP’s Climate 21 initiative and how it can help customers minimize the CO2 footprint of their products, operations, and supply chains. Climate action is top of mind for many companies. The pressure to reduce CO2 emissions is coming from all directions [...]