Smart Cities

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Cities are back in town : sociologie urbaine pour un monde globalisé (Coursera)

Jan 13th 2025
Cities are back in town : sociologie urbaine pour un monde globalisé (Coursera)
Free Course
La mondialisation et l'européanisation favorisent le développement rapide des villes à travers le monde. L'urbanisation atteint de nouveaux sommets aujourd’hui avec l'essor des mégacités (plus de 15 millions d'habitants) comme Calcutta, Los Angeles, Dhaka, Le Caire, Tokyo, New York, Shanghai, Mexico ou Séoul. Au-delà de la métropole moderne, [...]

Cities are back in town : urban sociology for a globalizing urban world (Coursera)

Jan 13th 2025
Cities are back in town : urban sociology for a globalizing urban world (Coursera)
Free Course
Urbanization is reaching a new peak in the contemporary world with the rise of mega cities. Researchers try to make sense of these large urban areas using a variety of concepts. The class will review debates and present social science models of cities to analyse and compare contemporary developments. [...]

Management of Urban Infrastructures – part 1 (Coursera)

Sustainability, Resilience and Efficiency are fundamental considerations for city managers in managing urban infrastructures. Today, more than 3.9 billion people, making up more than 54% of the global population, live in cities. Urbanization is expected to continue in the coming years, raising the urban population to 6.0 billion by [...]

Smart Cities - Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures (Coursera)

Learn about Smart Cities within the context of management of urban infrastructures. The introduction of Smart urban technologies into legacy infrastructures has resulted in numerous challenges and opportunities for contemporary cities and will continue to do so. This course will help you to understand how to make the best [...]

Smart Cities (edX)

Explore how New Zealand is using technology and data to design sustainable smart cities. The Smart Cities course charts a journey across New Zealand to understand how smart cities are shaping up from Christchurch in the South to the capital city Wellington all the way to Hamilton in the [...]

How to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (edX)

The world has adopted an ambitious agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals, to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Learn how we can achieve these goals through careful planning and engagement of diverse stakeholders.

Sustainable Urban Water Systems (POK)

Solutions for Sustainable Water Management in Resilient Smart Cities. The MOOC “Sustainable Urban Water Systems” aims to provide knowledge about modern and sustainable solutions for urban water management in water-sensitive cities. The focus is on stormwater control and water supply strategies for the mitigation of effects on the water [...]

Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance (edX)

Explore the key governance challenges for smart sustainable city (SSC) initiatives and the approach required. Learn to organize co-creation and to use a roadmap that support planning, implementation, close monitoring and risks mitigation.

Digital transformation of megapolises: from zero to #1 in UN digital e-government ranking (Coursera)

This course will help you to navigate ambiguity in definitions of "Smart City". You can review successful cases and practices of different approaches to transformation management, determine the potential of your city in the digital transformation, as well as find useful practical advices on search for funding of various [...]

Smart Cities: Social Change Through Technology (FutureLearn)

Jan 31st 2022
Smart Cities: Social Change Through Technology (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn from New Zealand’s inspirational smart city projects, and see how you can apply these principles to your own context. Gain insights into smart cities from the experts at the University of Canterbury. Smart cities harness the power of digital technology. Through innovative data collection, cities can use these [...]