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Customer Centricity as Competitive Advantage - Jagdish Sheth (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Customer Centricity as Competitive Advantage - Jagdish Sheth (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course suggests why companies should be customer centric. Customer centricity provides a number of competitive advantages including revenue growth and cost reduction. The key concept is customer lifetime value (CLV) For example, a typical household spends more than $500,000 over 15 years at nearby grocery stores. Customer centricity [...]

L'analyse marketing (Coursera)

Les organisations, quelle que soit leur taille, sont inondées de données sur les choix des consommateurs. Mais cette abondance d'informations ne se traduit pas toujours en de meilleures décisions. Savoir interpréter les données est le défi à relever, et il est de plus en plus attendu que les professionnels [...]

Managing Customer Relationships in the Digital Environment (edX)

Learn how to harness the power of Customer Lifetime Value concepts by applying them to firm value, selection of customers and loyalty programming. Turn your digital marketing data insights into customer insights and selection techniques through the application of customer lifetime value concepts. You will learn from marketing science [...]