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Diversité et inclusion sur le lieu de travail (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
Diversité et inclusion sur le lieu de travail (Coursera)
Course Auditing
La diversité est une réalité indéniable dans le monde d'aujourd'hui. Les mouvements de femmes, le militantisme pour les droits civiques, Black Lives Matter, la mondialisation et bien d'autres encore ont tous contribué à attirer l'attention sur l'importance de la diversité et de l'inclusion. Les questions de diversité [...]

How to Create a Good Business (Coursera)

Apr 8th 2024
How to Create a Good Business (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Prioritizing the wellbeing of workers is not just a good - or ethical - thing to do, but because it makes business sense. A happier, healthier workforce is a more productive workforce. A productive workforce is more likely to attend, perform their best work, and add more value to [...]

English for Common Interactions in the Workplace: Basic Level (Coursera)

In a professional environment, we’re often faced with the need to respond appropriately according to what the situation calls for, whether it be related to situations in daily life or the workplace. This course was designed to provide the worker with linguistic tools which will enable greater ease in basic [...]

Becoming Part of the Globalised Workplace (Coursera)

The final course aims to build learners’ confidence and adaptability when communicating in cross-cultural environments as they assume leadership responsibility to communicate influence in persuasive workplace contexts. The course focuses on enhancing learners’ professional persona for skilful engagement and intercultural communication with stakeholders within and beyond the organization, including [...]

Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction (Coursera)

The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth, [...]

Diversity in the Workplace (edX)

The world has become a small place due to the advancement of technology and improved transportation facilities. This provides better opportunities and options for people to improve and grow. People have different cultures, customs, beliefs, ethnicities, genders, education levels etc. A workplace with such diverse people becomes more complex [...]

Visual Presentation (edX)

Learn how impactful images can enhance your presentation, communication and messaging to impress your audience. Visual elements are critical components in effective communication and presentation. The importance of imagery and how it relates to branding, memory recall, and awareness cannot be underestimated. Whether it’s a document, presentation, or video, [...]

Storytelling in the Workplace (edX)

Learn how to craft messages and narratives that will resonate with your target audience to create your desired outcome. When you think about the most influential figures in your organization, in your country, and in the world, one of the qualities they all likely have in common is that [...]

Teamwork & Collaboration (edX)

Learn essential teamwork and collaboration skills to lead, build and motivate teams in the workplace. In today’s workplace, professionals don’t work alone, and rarely work with just one other person. More often, we are required to work in groups to strategize, design solutions, ideate, motivate, manage, and [...]

Foundations of Client Care 2: Workplace Safety, Emergency Care, and Infection Control (edX)

A review of the principles of workplace safety, emergency care, and infection control within a healthcare setting. This is the second course in the Foundations of Client Care program offered by Osmosis from Elsevier. The Workplace Safety, Emergency Care, and Infection Control course reviewes with learners the basic principles [...]