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Aprendendo a aprender: ferramentas mentais poderosas para ajudá-lo a dominar assuntos difíceis (em Português) [Learning How to Learn] (Coursera)

Este curso dá-lhe acesso fácil a técnicas de aprendizagem de valor inestimável, usadas por especialistas em Arte, Música, Literatura, Matemática, Ciência, Esportes e muitas outras disciplinas. Vamos aprender sobre a forma como o cérebro usa dois modos de aprendizagem muito diferentes e como ele encapsula (em "pedaços") informações. Também [...]

Aprendiendo a Aprender (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Aprendiendo a Aprender (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Con el propósito de desarrollar habilidades y herramientas mentales que favorecen el aprendizaje, Aprendiendo a Aprender busca ayudar a los participantes a dominar temas complejos y difíciles; además de motivarlos a continuar aprendiendo a lo largo de la vida. Aprendiendo a Aprender se encuentra divido en cuatro grandes módulos: [...]

Designing Learning Innovation (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Designing Learning Innovation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Where to start to innovate your teaching? But before that, what does it mean to innovate in the classroom? Designing Learning Innovation aims to put the designing culture at the service of learning innovation, supporting those who do not have a specific pedagogical background and those who wish to [...]

New Learning: Principles and Patterns of Pedagogy (Coursera)

Education is in a state of flux – transitioning from traditional architectures and practices to new ecologies of teaching and learning influenced by the tremendous social and technological changes of our times. What changes are afoot today in workplaces, civic life and everyday community life? What are their implications [...]

Negotiating Learner Differences: Towards Productive Diversity in Learning (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Negotiating Learner Differences: Towards Productive Diversity in Learning (Coursera)
Course Auditing
An investigation of the dimensions of learner diversity: material (class, locale), corporeal (age, race, sex and sexuality, and physical and mental characteristics) and symbolic (culture, language, gender, family, affinity and persona). Examines social-cultural theories of difference, as well as considering alternative responses to these differences in educational settings - [...]

Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability: Circles of Care and Education (Coursera)

This course is about caring for and educating children (and youth) with severe to profound intellectual disability. We use the idea of 'circles' to position the child at the center of the many levels of support needed. Around the child are circles of care and education - such as [...]

Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will analyze currently available technologies for learning. Areas addressed include: learning management systems, intelligent tutors, computer adaptive testing, gamification, simulations, learning in and through social media and peer interaction, universal design for learning, differentiated instruction systems, big data and learning analytics, attention monitoring, and affect-aware [...]

Potenciando mi aprendizaje en el primer año de Universidad (Coursera)

Apr 15th 2024
Potenciando mi aprendizaje en el primer año de Universidad (Coursera)
Course Auditing
El propósito del curso es acompañar a los estudiantes de primer año a potenciar sus aprendizajes, con la finalidad de fomentar una buena experiencia en la universidad. Lo anterior se realiza a través de un auto- diagnóstico y de la familiarización con distintas estrategias de estudio, de gestión del [...]

University Teaching (Coursera)

University Teaching is an introductory course in teaching and learning in tertiary education, designed by staff at the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at the University of Hong Kong. With input from instructors, guests and interviewees, including teaching award winners, students, and experts in the [...]

Liderazgo Instruccional: Perspectiva Global y Prácticas Locales (Coursera)

El curso Liderazgo Instruccional: Perspectiva Local y Prácticas locales, es una instancia para que profesores, líderes escolares y profesionales de la educación puedan actualizar sus conocimientos y potenciar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.