Active Learning

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Modelos de diseño instruccional para ambientes digitales (Coursera)

En este curso conocerás nuevas herramientas tecnológicas que están ganando espacio en la escena educativa y revisarás ejemplos de innovaciones educativas. También, aprenderás sobre los indicadores de calidad pedagógica para evaluar el diseño instruccional, y serás capaz de aplicarlos a tu propio diseño instruccional a través de un ejercicio [...]

Diseño instruccional para el aprendizaje activo (Coursera)

Diversos estudios han demostrado que las técnicas de aprendizaje activo, mejoran el nivel de interés y aprendizaje del alumno. Reportan que la enseñanza tradicional basada en la clase magistral y la evaluación mediante un examen final, han demostrado ser una herramienta poco eficaz para evaluar el proceso de aprendizaje. [...]

Proyecto de diseño instruccional para el aprendizaje activo en ambientes digitales (Coursera)

Sep 16th 2024
Proyecto de diseño instruccional para el aprendizaje activo en ambientes digitales (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Un proyecto de diseño instruccional para el aprendizaje activo con pedagogía digital representa un esfuerzo temporal que requiere ser reconocido por todos los miembros de una organización, a través de las diferentes etapas que conforman su ciclo de vida. Al esquematizar el ciclo del proyecto se pueden encontrar diversos [...]

Uncommon Sense Teaching (Coursera)

Sep 9th 2024
Uncommon Sense Teaching (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Do your students spend too much (or too little) time learning, with disappointing results? Do they procrastinate in their study because it’s boring and they’re easily distracted? Are you working to make your teaching even more inclusive? Uncommon Sense Teaching will give you practical new insights that will [...]

Designing Learning Innovation (Coursera)

Sep 2nd 2024
Designing Learning Innovation (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Where to start to innovate your teaching? But before that, what does it mean to innovate in the classroom? Designing Learning Innovation aims to put the designing culture at the service of learning innovation, supporting those who do not have a specific pedagogical background and those who wish to [...]

Active Learning for Soft Skills Development (POK)

Soft skills are crucial competencies to be developed by students to access the labour market. The integration of active learning methods in teaching practices can support curriculum innovation and improve the learning experience of university students in particular while learning disciplinary [...]

Engaging Students in Active Learning (POK)

Students and teachers: their relationship gravitates around learning. Look at reality from different perspectives, and fit learning objectives into each scenario to create an engaging and driven learning experience. These are the basis of active learning.

Innovative Teaching: Engaging Adult Learners with Active Learning (FutureLearn)

Feb 28th 2022
Innovative Teaching: Engaging Adult Learners with Active Learning (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Discover the power of active participation in adult learning, encouraging teamwork and collaboration among students. Explore the power of teaching and how interactive learning can aid the classroom. Active learning is the leading innovative teaching approach in education today. It encourages teachers to foster a more student-centred, interactive and [...]
Feb 28th 2022
Course Auditing
49.00 EUR

How to Create an Online Course (FutureLearn)

Aug 9th 2021
How to Create an Online Course (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Discover key skills to create engaging online learning experiences. Learn how to design and develop online learning materials. Digital education is expanding faster than ever before, and learning online has become an essential part of how we teach and learn. On this two-week course, you’ll learn how to create [...]

Teaching Black British History: A Teacher Training Guide (FutureLearn)

Available now
Teaching Black British History: A Teacher Training Guide (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Discover how to best teach and embed Black British history into the national school curriculum with this informative course. Learn how to best teach Black British history into the school curriculum. From pedagogy in the classroom to the history of ethnocratic and eurocentric narratives, this comprehensive, three-week course will [...]