Self Development

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Professional development: Improve yourself, always (Coursera)

Dec 16th 2024
Professional development: Improve yourself, always (Coursera)
Course Auditing
The world of work is characterised by rapid ongoing change. In this dynamic environment, one of the most critical skills for leaders is their capacity to learn and to adapt; to engage in the continuous development of their skills in managing and leading others. This course will assist you [...]

Aprendiendo a Aprender (Coursera)

Nov 25th 2024
Aprendiendo a Aprender (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Con el propósito de desarrollar habilidades y herramientas mentales que favorecen el aprendizaje, Aprendiendo a Aprender busca ayudar a los participantes a dominar temas complejos y difíciles; además de motivarlos a continuar aprendiendo a lo largo de la vida. Aprendiendo a Aprender se encuentra divido en cuatro grandes módulos: [...]

Inteligencia Emocional Familiar (edX)

Self Paced
Inteligencia Emocional Familiar (edX)
Course Auditing
Se habla de salud física, salud mental...¿y tu salud emocional y la de tu familia? Adéntrate en el autoexploración y autogobierno para el desarrollo de estrategias que te permitan alcanzar una adecuada Inteligencia Emocional Familiar.

Practical Meditation: The Foundation (Brahma Kumaris)

The Foundation Course of the Practical Meditation MOOC gives you access to spiritual knowledge and a simple meditation practice. Learn, explore and experience the beauty and strength of your own inner being and enable yourself to effectively address the challenges of our time. Start and go through the content [...]

Autobiography Writing (Lead Academy)

Whether you are self-taught and you want to fill in the gaps for better efficiency and productivity, this Autobiography Writing course will set you up with a solid foundation to become a confident autobiography writer and develop more advanced skills. This comprehensive Autobiography Writing course is the perfect way [...]

Feed Your Creative Mind today (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Feed Your Creative Mind today (Skillshare)
Free Course
Few nice, gentle, simple but also powerful and crazy tricks how to be happy and nurture your creativity when you are alone or have a minute to spare now and then. Example of some of the best excercises from my own experience but also enriched by proven tips from [...]

Get WILD: Four Principles to Increase Your Leadership Effectiveness (Skillshare)

Wild Leadership is an outdoor inspired approach to personal and professional effectiveness. "Get WILD" is an introductory micro-course covering four key principles of the framework - well-being, integration, learning and discovery. Leadership effectiveness starts with leading yourself and "Get Wild" will show you a new approach to your development. [...]