Digital Business

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Digital Business Strategy (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Digital Business Strategy (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Develop your ability to design and implement strategies that will help your company prosper in the digital age. In this course, developed by the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, Professor Mike Lenox will help you understand the critical function of strategic thinking in the digital [...]

Impacto de la Inteligencia Artificial en la Innovación de Negocios (edX)

En este curso aprenderás sobre los factores importantes que se requieren para fundar un negocio digital, desde la importancia del propósito del negocio, hasta las implementaciones de la IA en las diferentes industrias. La inteligencia artificial es una disciplina de las ciencias de la computación que ha buscado emular [...]

Introduction to Digital Transformation and E-Commerce (FutureLearn)

Jan 16th 2023
Introduction to Digital Transformation and E-Commerce (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Build your knowledge of digital transformation and explore effective digital business and e-commerce management strategies. Explore the challenges of digital change and transformation in modern business. This 2-week course offers you insight into the emergence of digital business, and the chance to discover key digital transformation strategies and [...]

Digital Transformation Strategy (edX)

This course is archived
Digital Transformation Strategy (edX)
Course Auditing
Strategies for driving business success in the new digital economy. Want to be the leader with the winning business strategy for the digital future? Ambitious digital-driven startups are creating and cornering new markets in every sector. And yet, most legacy businesses continue to operate by old playbooks. Most are [...]

Digital Future Literacy - Fit für die digitale Zukunft (openHPI)

Im Zuge der Digitalisierung müssen sich viele heute im Erwerbsleben stehende Menschen beruflich weiterqualifizieren. Zunehmend gebraucht werden nicht nur technologische Fähigkeiten wie Umgang mit Software oder Programmierung, sondern die neuen digitalen Geschäfts- und Arbeitsprozesse erfordern verstärkt digitale und nicht-digitale Schlüsselfähigkeiten (digital future literacy). Dazu zählen u.a. Data Literacy, Kollaboration, [...]

Digital Entrepreneurship (openHPI)

Self Paced
Digital Entrepreneurship (openHPI)
Free Course
What exactly does digital entrepreneurship mean and how does it differ from "classic" entrepreneurship? How does digital entrepreneurship influence the economy and society? How does effective collaboration between different stakeholders work and what role do digital ecosystems play in this? What kind of entrepreneurial mindset does digital entrepreneurship need? [...]

Digital Strategy and Action (edX)

Self Paced
Digital Strategy and Action (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how elite leaders conceive and execute strategies that drive the world’s fastest growing digital companies. What do business luminaries like Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Netflix have in common? They’re digital businesses – meaning that they blur the digital and physical worlds – and their CEOs have built companies [...]

Driving Digital Innovation through Experimentation (edX)

This course is archived
Driving Digital Innovation through Experimentation (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how to apply principles of experimentation at the technical, organizational and strategic levels of your business to drive digital innovation. Experimentation is a key capability for any business to develop and master. Learn how to leverage data to build knowledge and apply this knowledge to improve business outcomes [...]

Using Open Data for Digital Business (FutureLearn)

Discover the power of Open Data and learn how you can use it to transform business. Open Data is data that anyone can access, use or share and when used well it can be extremely powerful. It enables businesses, citizens, developers and researchers to harness resources that can make [...]

Small-to-Medium Enterprises and Digital Engagement (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
Small-to-Medium Enterprises and Digital Engagement (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Find out about the technology tools available to small-to-medium-sized business and generate success. This course will introduce you to the technology available to small-to-medium-sized enterprises and the opportunities digital engagement presents.