Entrepreneurial Thinking

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Developing a Systems Mindset (Coursera)

A Systems Mindset teaches learners how to interact effectively as service providers, consultants, researchers, developers, or other professionals providing a service or product to a person, group, or community. This course provides the basic foundations for policy makers, real estate developers, consultants, government agencies, engineers, and non-profit organizations the [...]

Strategies for Effective Engagement (Coursera)

Being a successful professional requires creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial thinking, and to continually have a problem-solving mindset. As a systems thinker, you are expected to engage complex problems from multiple perspectives and different angles, viewing them holistically. This course exposes the student to a variety of tools used to [...]

Innovation & Entrepreneurship - From Design Thinking to Funding (Coursera)

This Innovation and Entrepreneurship course focuses on the interconnection between entrepreneurial thinking and innovation. Specifically, we look at models used in Silicon Valley to grow both start-up companies as well as innovation inside large organizations. Bringing together top Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley faculty, this course [...]

Innovation & Entrepreneurship - From Basics to Open Innovation (Coursera)

This Innovation and Entrepreneurship course focuses on the interconnection between entrepreneurial thinking and innovation. Specifically, we look at models used in Silicon Valley to grow both start-up companies as well as innovation inside large organizations. Bringing together top Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley faculty, this course addresses critical [...]

Developing the Opportunity for Corporate Entrepreneurs (Coursera)

For an increasing number of established companies, creating new businesses and programs within the company is an imperative for success. Maturing technologies and aging product portfolios are requiring established companies to create, develop, and sustain innovative new initiatives.

Technology Commercialization, Part 1: Setting up your Idea Filtering System (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Technology Commercialization, Part 1: Setting up your Idea Filtering System (Coursera)
Course Auditing
New ideas based on high-technology research have a high failure rate because they hit the ground running with lopsided priorities and misalignments. Students complete this course with an Innovation Creed (“Why are you doing this?”) and a customized Idea Filter (“Are you working on the right priorities?”)—2 simple tools [...]

Teaching Entrepreneurial Thinking (FutureLearn)

Get an introduction to what entrepreneurial thinking is, and how and why we should teach it. We live in an uncertain and complex world, where the big problems of today and tomorrow are yet to be identified. Teaching young people the skills and resilience to live and thrive in [...]

Digital Future Literacy - Fit für die digitale Zukunft (openHPI)

Im Zuge der Digitalisierung müssen sich viele heute im Erwerbsleben stehende Menschen beruflich weiterqualifizieren. Zunehmend gebraucht werden nicht nur technologische Fähigkeiten wie Umgang mit Software oder Programmierung, sondern die neuen digitalen Geschäfts- und Arbeitsprozesse erfordern verstärkt digitale und nicht-digitale Schlüsselfähigkeiten (digital future literacy). Dazu zählen u.a. Data Literacy, Kollaboration, [...]

Teach like an Entrepreneur: Bringing Entrepreneurship into the Classroom (FutureLearn)

Available now
Teach like an Entrepreneur: Bringing Entrepreneurship into the Classroom (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learn how to teach entrepreneurial skills, inspire young people and transform teaching and learning to become more entrepreneurial. Learn about different types of entrepreneurship. On this course, you’ll distinguish between different types of entrepreneurship, learn the value of entrepreneurial competences for individuals and society and align these with subject-specific [...]
Available now
Course Auditing
49.00 EUR

The Enterprise Shed: Making Ideas Happen (FutureLearn)

Everyone is a thinker and a doer. Everyone is entrepreneurial. Turn your ideas into action with this free online course. Are you passionate about something that you’d like to change? Or, have you ever wanted to change something, but didn’t know how to make it happen? If these questions [...]