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E-commerce Academy (Coursera)

Este curso presenta todos los elementos necesarios para el desarrollo de un comercio electrónico y las variables que se deben considerar para poder vender online, ya sea productos o servicios. A lo largo de las cuatro semanas, analizaremos las características de las tiendas virtuales y qué aspectos debemos tener [...]

Transferencia tecnológica: De la investigación al mercado. (Coursera)

Este MOOC fue desarrollado para fortalecer las capacidades de gestión de la transferencia tecnológica de académicos e investigadores de las diferentes disciplinas, gestores tecnológicos y estudiantes de postgrado. Pretende ser un apoyo para todos aquellos que quieran que sus resultados de investigación se conviertan en productos o servicios que [...]

Technology Commercialization, Part 1: Setting up your Idea Filtering System (Coursera)

Sep 9th 2024
Technology Commercialization, Part 1: Setting up your Idea Filtering System (Coursera)
Course Auditing
New ideas based on high-technology research have a high failure rate because they hit the ground running with lopsided priorities and misalignments. Students complete this course with an Innovation Creed (“Why are you doing this?”) and a customized Idea Filter (“Are you working on the right priorities?”)—2 simple tools [...]

Commercialization of innovation activity results (Coursera)

Aug 1st 2022
Commercialization of innovation activity results (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course was created in the partnership with StPetersburg Electrotechnical University ETU “LETI”. This course provides the basic knowledge of the patent law, innovation management, and basic marketing methods in the sphere of intellectual activity results. The course examines some issues related to the assessment of the technologies completeness [...]

Commercialization of Social Enterprises: Stemming the Tide of Mission Drift (FutureLearn)

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Commercialization of Social Enterprises: Stemming the Tide of Mission Drift (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Find out how to avoid mission drift when transitioning a social enterprise or microfinance venture into a for-profit organisation. Many social enterprises are becoming more commercial, adopting the techniques, funding or governance more usually associated with for-profit ventures.