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Promotional Materials Every Musician Needs (Coursera)

They say that first impressions are the strongest, and that is definitely true in the arts! The materials you create to communicate who you are and why you're special are critical to your professional success. This course will provide you with the skills to generate effective promotional materials you [...]

How to Succeed at: Writing Applications (FutureLearn)

This free three week course will help you produce a perfect CV, application and online profile when applying for a job or course. Experts from The Careers Service here at The University of Sheffield share their top tips to help you write exceptional applications, CVs (or résumés), covering letters [...]

Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Curriculum (Coursera)

The Foundations of Teaching for Learning programme is for anyone who is teaching, or who would like to teach, in any subject and any context - be it at school, at home or in the workplace. With dynamic lessons taught by established and respected professionals from across the Commonwealth, [...]

Mi Primer Empleo (MPE) (Coursera)

¿Qué debo tener en cuenta en mi primer empleo? El curso "Mi Primer Empleo" (MPE) te ayudará a enfrentar con éxito el tránsito entre tu formación profesional y el mundo del trabajo. Los objetivos de aprendizaje de este curso son: identificar las expectativas laborales personales actuales y futuras; preparar [...]

Crea tu Curriculum con canva (Coursera)

En este curso basado en un proyecto y de 1,5 horas de duración, aprenderás a crear tu currículum profesional con Canva, aprenderás también a personalizar el documento para definir cada uno de los atributos que desees presentar a los lectores. Para finalizar aprenderás a modificar un template, con [...]

Crea tu curriculum profesional con latex (Coursera)

Apr 22nd 2024
Crea tu curriculum profesional con latex (Coursera)
Free Course
En este curso basado en un proyecto y de 1,5 horas de duración, aprenderás a crear tu currículum profesional con Látex, aprenderás también a personalizar el código del documento para definir cada uno de los atributos que desees presentar a los lectores. Para finalizar aprenderás a leer un [...]

Modellazione digitale 3D: pubblicare sul web (POK)

Modellazione digitale 3D: pubblicare sul web (POK)
Free Course
Progettare e configurare un portale web per l’archiviazione e la condivisione degli elaborati didattici e del CV. Il programma si propone di fornire agli studenti di architettura indicazioni pratiche per la realizzazione di un semplice portale web, su cui archiviare i materiali didattici nei principali formati multimediali oggi in [...]

Career Skills for the 2020s: Navigating the Online World of Work (FutureLearn)

Jan 16th 2023
Career Skills for the 2020s: Navigating the Online World of Work (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Find your purpose and identify the career skills you need to upskill in your sector or to seek a new job online. Develop the digital skills employers are looking for in the 2020s. In this rapidly changing world, it’s important that you’re confident about working online and embracing technology [...]

English@Work: CVs (edX)

Be the last they have to read – Be the first they want to call! This course will help you create clear and creative CVs that stand out. Our industry professionals will give you clear instructions on what to include and what not to include as content as well as tips on formatting your CV.